Anyone switch to soy milk from soy formula at 1yo?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lisala, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. Lisala

    Lisala Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone!

    Now that my kids are 1 yo, I guess it's time to stop feeding them formula - but it makes me a bit nervous. :unsure:

    My daughter will probably do well switching from dairy-based formula to milk, but my son is another matter.

    He has a dairy/casein/wheat/gluten/corn intolerance - so he has been on a soy formula after much trial and error with his diet, and he has been doing so well lately that I'm afraid to mess with things - but this formula is pricey (it's organic) and it would be terrific to be able to switch him over to soy milk.

    Has anyone switched their child from soy formula to soy milk, and if so, how did you transition from the formula to the soy milk and how did it go?? I would love some advice from those who have BTDT. (also, which brand of soy milk did you use... I was thinking of Silk brand)

  2. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    I used soy formula but transitioned them to regular milk.. my girls did not have any allergies but they just tolerated soy better. I would think that you could just transition to soy milk in much they same way I did with regular. Over the course of a few days I just added an ounce more milk than formula, to where it was all milk. This way you ease the transition and can see how he adjusts. Good luck!
  3. Laura H

    Laura H Well-Known Member

    My son was on soy formula and at one year, I tried switching him to whole milk and he just couldn't do it. He would wheeze and cough after a bottle or regular milk, so we switched him to soy milk and he's doing great. He can eat cheese and yogurt, just not a big amount of regular milk at one time. The Dr. said try milk again at 2 years old and see...As far as what kind of soy milk, we use Silk plain. The vanilla was way too sweet and I didn't want him to get used to something that sweet and then not want regular milk later on.
  4. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sarah had bad lactose intolerance. We put her straight from soy formula onto soy milk. We did formula in bottles one day and went to sippies with milk the next. The kids didn't even care. We used Silk brand. At first I had her drinking the plain stuff until one day daddy went shopping and bought the vanilla. Then she wouldn't touch the regular again. I did keep the regular around to use in cooking and it did fine.

    And if you want some hope, Sarah couldn't tolerate any form of dairy. She would have projectile vomiting or screaming diarrhea. The diarrhea was so acidic it would burn her little bottom. By her 3rd bday, she could eat all types of diary and drink skim milk. I've since moved her up to 2% and she does great with that. If you had told me that at one-year-old, I would have laughed.

  5. Lisala

    Lisala Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your helpful replies!

    Marissa - I really needed to read what you wrote about having hope - Dylan has similiar issues as your DD did. The part about the acidic diarrhea and how it burned her bottom really hit home because that's what happens to Dylan, too. It's good to see that (hopefully) he will outgrow this. It is extremely difficult managing his diet because he has so many restrictions. :(

    I think I will transition him over a little at a time in his bottle first. I tried giving them their formula yesterday in their sippy cups and both kids literally threw them at me and had tantrums - they were really ticked off at me. So I had to pour their formula into their bottles and they were happy clams again. I think weaning off the bottle is going to be a nightmare here. Not looking forward to it at all. :mellow:

    Thanks, also, for the tip on avoiding the Vanilla Silk and going for the plain first - that makes a lot of sense that he'd like the Vanilla flavor, lol.
  6. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    My little boy was allergic to whole milk so we used to organic soy milk from Costco. Its really good! I would just start little by little. So add 1oz or formula and 3 oz of milk than just keep adding more and more until it just soy milk and no formula.

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