Anyone still co-sleeping

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Anyone still co-sleeping with a 2-3 yr old? Do you still use a co-sleeper or they just in the bed with you? My son doesn't like being the only person in the house with his own room (the girls share, mommy & Daddy share) and most nights DH ends up sleeping in his room in the rocking chair with him. Lately he's ended up in OUR bed, but he does NOT sleep laying still! LOL This child will travel around the bed to get closer to you. The more you travel to get away, the more he travels to get to you!

    I never really used a co-sleeper with him before. He just slept in the bed with us when I was nursing him, but then again, he never wiggled so much either.

    Is there a co-sleeper for toddlers?? or one for Platform beds? Our bed is taller too which is the other reason I never had a co-sleeper before...
  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My girls still sleep with me ( Travis was gone for a year when I started this and now he works nights). When Travis is home at night on the weekend, I get the girls to sleep in their room (they share a queen sized bed) and then I sneak off into my bed. My bed is king sized and Travis cannot sleep with even one of the girls in the bed because they are way too wiggly. We do have a play pen in our room that one of them can sleep in if need be.
  3. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    We started co-sleeping at 5 months with both boys in a king size bed. Until then they had shared a crib at the end of our bed. At first they just slept between us so we could keep them from the edge. Once they started crawling at 7 months I got nervous so we moved our mattress to the floor (which actually did wonders for my back). At a year they were just getting too big so we moved the boys crib mattresses into our room. Now we have a crib mattress on each side of our mattress. They start out on their mattress. They will usually end up in bed with us at some point during the night. But one of them (the wiggler) will often move back to his own mattress after a little bit of cuddling. He sleeps every which direction but upside down.
  4. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Our twins co-slept with us (both in bed and in a cosleeper) for the first 3 months non stop. Then as needed till 9 months. Since they've turned 2.5 they have started sleeping in our room again. We also have a VERY high queen size bed so we have 2 crib mattresses on our bedrom floor. The deal is they have to start the night out there. generally they climb in bed with us around 5-6am but if too much wiggling is going on we tuck them back into thier floor mattresses.

    Sharing a room is much more comfortable than the family bed. Would your toddler except a mattress on the floor as an option?
  5. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    You know I brought up that idea to DH, and he just kinda huffed at it. I said it's better than you getting up every night (DS won't allow me for some reason to get up with him) and he's not in our bed with us... To me it sounds like a win-win situation. Sure we have to put up with having a kid in the room with us, but at least he's not IN BED with us and we all get a good nights sleep.. I might just have to move it in and see what happens.
  6. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    I have two kiddos in my room. A 10 year old and a 3 year old. The 10 year old has his own mattress on the floor. The 3 year old comes into my room between 12 and 5 and spends the rest of the night. She just joins us in the queen bed next to me, either in the middle or on the edge, depending on how close dp and I are at that moment. :FIFblush:

    When we had more in our bed we put two queens next to each other on the floor. Here is a photo. It worked well for us for several years.
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