anyone put their twins into a queen together?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by pam2baby, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    We are buying a king size mattress soon and I thought since the girls sleep with their toddler beds together anyhow that I'd put our old bed in their room until they are old enough for bunk beds. Its a really cute big pine bed with 2 hearts cut into the head board & foot board so I thought it would be appropriate in their room.
    They sleep together in our tent trailer or if we are staying at a hotel.
    Anyone try this & how did it work out?
    Thanks P :)
  2. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    FWIW, I thought about just doing that, but decided against it. I think they would keep each other up more.
  3. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    Our's actually share a twin and hate to sleep away from each other now! So I think if it looks like it will work then it's definately worth a shot!
  4. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    I'm interested in the answer to this too. I have a double bed on the floor in their room right now and eventually I would like them to both sleep in it together. It would make me a lot more hopeful if I heard that someone out there was doing it and it was working for their family.
  5. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    My twins shared a twin bed up until about 2 months ago (and they are 3)... Worked great for us, I am thinking about having the boys share a full bed... until they are big enough for bunks! :)
  6. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking about doing this, too. We were on vacation last week and the girls shared a queen bed. They both slept through the night, for three nights in a row, for the first time in 3 and a half years!!!! They have only gone the whole night a handful of times, and never on the same night. DH thinks it's becasue they were together, like when they were babies. I say whatever works!

    Alos, my sister and I shared a room when we were little. Even tought we each had our own twin bed (which were about 4 feet apart) we still shared a bed everynight until we werea about 9 or 10 years old.

    Let us know what you decide and how it goes!
  7. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    We just got back from vacation, and my girls for the first time slept together in a big bed. We went on a cruise and I had ordered cribs for the room, however, I don't think they would have fit in our room. So they slept on the pull out bed which was the size of a twin bed. I put Brooke, at one end, and Erin, at the other. They would not have fit, if they both slept at the same end. I couldn't believe how well they did. On the way out to LA, and back, they slept in a queen bed, 2 night, and cribs the other nights just depending on what was available. I did have to intervein often, and tell them to go to sleep, when they slept together. I think at home, they would probably play also, and keep each other up, however, eventually they are going to fall asleep I'm still torn on this subject too!.
  8. momoftwingirls2005

    momoftwingirls2005 Well-Known Member

    Mine have slept together in a king bed for the past 4 months, and have done great. At first they played and talked, but now they go to sleep and sleep all night long.
  9. Ree5264

    Ree5264 Well-Known Member

    When Hannah & Haley just turned 3 we had a problem with Haley getting up at night so we decided to try letting them sleep together to see if it worked better for her. It was a nightmare. Our kids have always gone to bed around 8:00 and slept all night with the occassional bad dream or wet sheets. This was more than we could stand. It went on long enough for us to find a good set of bunk beds. I think "out of sight out of mind" was the key for them. They were in the same room, but couldn't really bother each other so they went to sleep. Once they were side by side it was tempting to laugh and play. They would be up till 10 or 11:00 some nights and then be ill the next morning because they were up late. It didn't work at all for our family.
  10. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    I have been considering this because their room is very teeny (house was bulit in 1949 and all the rooms are small, but theirs is literally only 8x11, with doors on 2 sides and a closet/wall vent on the other) so it's going to be very difficult putting two twins beds in there. I am sort of considering doing toddler beds for a year or two then going to a full/queen. My brother and I shared a full-sized bed for a couple of years when I was like 3-5 years old and it was perfectly fine!
  11. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I used to babysit for two little girls who shared a bed. It worked out very well for them. I would say it's worth a shot.
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