anyone NOT gaining much weight?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by 2kidsplus2, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. 2kidsplus2

    2kidsplus2 Active Member

    Another question I'll ask the OB next week, but you ladies here are awesome so I'll ask you too!

    I'm 20 weeks and have only gained 10 lbs so far. I'd be really freaking out but at our 18 wk u/s the babies were both 9 oz which the tech said was good and I am looking huge and eating lots.

    I think maybe? it's because I'm heavier this time around. I am overweight (started this pregnancy at 161 lbs) and weigh about 15 lbs more than I did w/ my singletons, and that weight has been put on in the past year. With my first I gained 30lbs and he was born 8lbs 8oz and my second I gained 35lbs and he was 8lbs 11oz.

    Did this happen to anyone else? I figure I already have recent fat stores because of my weight gain and maybe that's part of it. Just wanted to see if anyone else was not gaining a ton of weight.

  2. 2kidsplus2

    2kidsplus2 Active Member

    Another question I'll ask the OB next week, but you ladies here are awesome so I'll ask you too!

    I'm 20 weeks and have only gained 10 lbs so far. I'd be really freaking out but at our 18 wk u/s the babies were both 9 oz which the tech said was good and I am looking huge and eating lots.

    I think maybe? it's because I'm heavier this time around. I am overweight (started this pregnancy at 161 lbs) and weigh about 15 lbs more than I did w/ my singletons, and that weight has been put on in the past year. With my first I gained 30lbs and he was born 8lbs 8oz and my second I gained 35lbs and he was 8lbs 11oz.

    Did this happen to anyone else? I figure I already have recent fat stores because of my weight gain and maybe that's part of it. Just wanted to see if anyone else was not gaining a ton of weight.

  3. stbmo4

    stbmo4 Well-Known Member

    I'm not as far along as you, only 12 weeks. But I haven't gained any weight so far and I have been eating like a horse! Last week my doc said I was fine and that 40 pounds of healthy weight gain is sufficient. I am 5'7" and 155lbs. ppw. My last singleton I only gained 20, so I guess he is knows I'll eat healthy and grow healthy babies. So anyway, to me you seem fine. I hope I gain 10 pounds in the next 8 weeks. I think your instinct tells you if you are eating enough and the right things. Oh, and my last singleton was 10oz. at 19 weeks, so you sound very normal to me--for what it's worth!

  4. Soon-2-BMomof3

    Soon-2-BMomof3 Well-Known Member

    I am the exact same way. I started the pregnancy at 164 and have only gained 10-12lbs (depending on the time of day). I will see what the doctor says on Wed, but I think as long as the babies are growing it is ok.
  5. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    No, this is NOT my problem ( pregnant or not I can gain weight just thinking about food)....but my good friend who just had twins only gained 17 pounds her whole pregnancy. She ate like a champ, but just didn't put on weight. The babies were both over 6 pounds and had no NICU time, so all was well. She is a tiny framed thing, so it wasn't horribly surprising. I think our bodies are all just different, and pre-disposed to gaining a certain amount. Just get all your protein and vitamins in and you'll be fine!

  6. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I gained 6 pounds my entire pregnancy and delivered healthy, no NICU 36 weekers! As long as the babies are growing and you are doing everything within your control to make ensure a healthy pregnancy I wouldn't stress about the weight. Eat right, drink lots of water, take your vitamin and rest as much as possible.
  7. Frederica

    Frederica Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]WOW i love this site. but ya i was worried about my weight gain too. I was 130lbs prepregnancy and now i am 170lbs. so i've gained 40lbs but it doesnt look as though i have that much weight. So im hoping the babies are ok.
  8. Whoa Mama

    Whoa Mama Well-Known Member

    I only gained 38# total (I was probably 25# overweight to begin with) and had my twins at 37w2d and they were perfect. Their weights were 6lb-1oz and 6lb-4oz
  9. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    I didn't even know I was carrying twins until my 20 week U/S & had only gained 8 pounds (I am/was underweight). However, then I started really EATING. I followed Dr. Luke's advice & gained my 65 pounds to produce my healthy, nice sized babies.
    Good luck!
  10. violetcaille

    violetcaille Active Member

    Ive LOST weight. Which isnt surprising because I had Gastric Bypass SUrgery a little over a year ago. Its so weird though to see that I have lost 8lbs but my darn pants dont fit! LOL! I had my DD before I had GB surgery and I lost weight with that pregnancy too but I was very heavy then.

    Originally posted by 2kidsplus2:
    Another question I'll ask the OB next week, but you ladies here are awesome so I'll ask you too!

    I'm 20 weeks and have only gained 10 lbs so far. I'd be really freaking out but at our 18 wk u/s the babies were both 9 oz which the tech said was good and I am looking huge and eating lots.

    I think maybe? it's because I'm heavier this time around. I am overweight (started this pregnancy at 161 lbs) and weigh about 15 lbs more than I did w/ my singletons, and that weight has been put on in the past year. With my first I gained 30lbs and he was born 8lbs 8oz and my second I gained 35lbs and he was 8lbs 11oz.

    Did this happen to anyone else? I figure I already have recent fat stores because of my weight gain and maybe that's part of it. Just wanted to see if anyone else was not gaining a ton of weight.

  11. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    In the first 3 months I actually lost weight because of how sick I was but I gained a ton in the end. So I wouldn't worry as long as everything is alright with the babies.
  12. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I only gained about 25lbs with my twin pregnancy and 15 woz in the last 2 months. I woz a little overweight to begin with. I think the twins take it from u, which woz good. I delivered Healthy girls 6lb9 and 6lb5 at 37 weeks.

    Good luck, it sounds normal, but just check at ur next visit with OB

    amanda (jorja and jessica 3)
  13. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    well, i had plenty to spare to start but so far I am still down 8 pounds from prepregnancy, not to fear, i look like i am full term the weight just redistributed i think. My doctor said it is fine as long as i'm eating, drinking my water and taking my vitamins. I was down 12 pounds from prepregnancy at thanksgiving so I guess it's starting to come back on.
  14. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I actually lost weight my first trimester and by20 weeks I had only gained about 10lbs. I had terrible morning sickness for 6 weeks so that is why I lost and I probably did not gain as fast as it was my first pregnancy.
  15. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    I have only gained 8 pounds and Im almost 18 weeks. Last week I saw my OB and she yelled at me saying I had gained too much weight and I also was heavier since just having my son 9 months ago. She told me they would never be able to hear the heartbeats with a doppler since I had so much fat. My peri said I was doing great. My babies were 7.7 oz. & 7 oz at 16 weeks which is bigger than normal, and told me to switch docs and continue with him for peri - so we did.
  16. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    With the twins, I gained about 22 lbs. This time I have gained about 15 lbs. I am a bit overweight to start with, so I think they take my "extra stores". (My sister even commented on Christmas that my butt was smaller...[​IMG])
  17. Mommy2PJ

    Mommy2PJ Well-Known Member

    I also was about 15 pounds overweight starting this pregnancy... hadn't lost it all from my first pregnancy (I started at 155). I didn't find out I was having twins until 19 weeks, so no one was too worried about my weight gain - I had only gained around 8 pounds by 19 weeks. I just weighed myself this morning, and I have finally gained 20 pound on the nose - and I'm 28+ weeks! So I'm with you... I don't know why, but I'm not gaining much.

    And I'm eating like ALL the time... I keep hearing how your appetite goes away because your so big and your stomach is so small.. yeah, not me! lol I also have an IUGR baby, so I'm supposed to pretty much eat and eat and eat! But I'm not gaining a whole lot.
  18. MomToBeX2

    MomToBeX2 Well-Known Member

    I have lost 8 lbs so far. I lost most of my weight throughout my first trimester and the beginning of this trimester. I was rarely sick or nauseaus though, and I didn't even gain weight over the holidays. The past couple of months my weight has been the same at each of my dr's appointments, although the twins are obviously growing! At my 19 week ultrasound, they were weighting 11 oz each which is above the average for a single baby. I'm overweight though, so this may have something to do with it! I wouldn't worry too much unless your doctor seems concerned. [​IMG]
  19. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    I only gained 22lbs with my pregnancy and was a normal weight before. I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless your doctors start too.
  20. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    this pregnancy had been really different so far. i have gained 12 pounds so far at 13 weeks and when i went for my appt last week my OB said that i had lost a 1/2 pound. i am eating everything i see and i don't get it either. i thought that it was because i took my shoes off before i weighed, but i am also overweight for this pregnancy. my first three i gained so much really quick and i was surprised that my leveled off like it did this time. but it's not over yet! lol you are not alone! thanks for your post!
    lots of love!
  21. Cabbyk82

    Cabbyk82 Well-Known Member

    Before becoming pregnant I was 5'10" and 136 lbs, I lost 12 lbs my first trimester and was underweight at 124 lbs. I'm up to 140 now, but that's essentially only a gain of about 4 lbs and I'm almost 1/2 way thru the pregnancy. At my last u/s though my Dr said the babies were weighing around 9 oz each, so I'm doing ok. I wouldn't worry unless your D begins to be concerned.
  22. debby12766

    debby12766 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for starting this thread because I was unable to follow Dr. Luke's advice because I always felt SO FULL. At 20 weeks I'd only gained 10 pounds but the girls were almost a pound each. At 22 weeks I was only up 12 pounds but boy do I look prego. I'm following PP's advice and doing the rest, fluids, and proteins (sometimes protein drinks if I have to) and so far everything seems to be fine...
  23. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    I started out at 141 lbs and then proceeded to lose 14 lbs in the first trimester. Very bizarre to be getting skinnier when you are supposed to be gaining but I had severe m/s. Then I started putting on some weight so I am now 160lbs. So I consider myself only to have put on 19 lbs to date from my prepreg weight. (although I did have to put on 33 lbs to get there if that makes sense).

    I am just aiming now to put on a lb a week and I will be happy.
  24. KindredSpirits

    KindredSpirits Well-Known Member

    OMG thanks so much for starting this. I read Dr. Luke's book and have been so stressed out and feeling guilty for not gaining weight. My OB said it was fine, but still the book and other books also say to gain weight early.
    But I get full so easily now that I'm pregnant and still I eat as much as possible. I was never a big eater to begin with but I have really increased the amount of healthy food in my diet. Milk, protein in eggs and meat, definitely upped my iron. Before I could go 2 weeks w/o eating meat, now I try to eat it every day...

    Needless to say, despite all my effort, I haven't gained a single pound, but I have noticed a redistribution of my body. My legs are skinner and my love handles are gone, but my tummy is no longer flat. It's finally starting to round out now at 15 weeks.

    But anyway, I was stressed that no matter what I've been doing, I can't gain any weight, and it was NEVER a problem pre-pregnancy. I am 157 which was overweight to begin with b/c I'm usually about 140 but due to hypothyroidism, in the past year or so I put on the extra weight.

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one out there, and that there are plenty of moms who had healthy babies despite not gaining a zillion pounds. I feel so much better now. Thanks!!!!
  25. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    I only gained 16lbs too during my pregnacy. My babies were born at 32 weeks but were not bad sizes for being 8 weeks early. I agree with pp if the babies are gaining weight and the docotors are not worried then you shouldnt be either. x
  26. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I am not having a problem gaining weight. I have always been aournd 125lbs., athletic, and a very healthy eater. At my last appointment, 18+ weeks, I had gained 15 pounds already. It seems to all be in my belly, if that is possible. I don't feel huge anywhere else but I am worried that I am gaining too much weight [​IMG]! I have even been walking everyday and I am still gaining like a champ. I kinda like my growing belly though and although I don't have a scale at home I stepped on one at the grocery store yesterday and was oddly sad to see I hadn't gained since last week [​IMG].
  27. khendrix

    khendrix Well-Known Member

    I was normal weight when my pregnancy began. I didn't gain any weight until around 20 weeks. I have steadily put on about a pound a week since then. I have gained 28 lbs. now, and I am 36 weeks. My husband has been worried about this the whole time, but the babies weigh exactly what they should weigh. I'm not worried at all. Hopefully it'll just make the weight easier to get off.

    Try not to worry. 9 oz. sounds like a perfect weight for this stage of your pregnancy.
  28. nansuz1

    nansuz1 New Member

    I am currently 16 weeks and I have gained roughly 8 pounds so far. I'm 5'8" and started at 125 lbs. As much as I try to eat, I'm having such a hard time. I never got m/s, but I haven't had an appetite since day 1 and I still don't, I have to literally force myself to eat. Where is this ravenous appetite everyone always talks about, I want it to hit me!!! I'm nervous b/c I know I'm supposed to be eating around 100 grams of protein a day, and I'm only getting around 60-70 grams. My doctor doesn't seem to be too concerned but I really want my appetite back!
  29. I have only gained 17 lbs and I am 30 weeks pregnant. Because the twins were growing fine it wasnt a problem until this week. Then because they are now 1/2 lb different, she gave me steriod shots and bedrest. I would assume it is more important to watch the weight and growth of the babies and not so much the weight of yourself. Hope this helps..
  30. MrsCasper

    MrsCasper Active Member

    I didn’t gain much weight in the beginning either… but slowing here I am 40 pounds gained [​IMG] I could not eat ~ not enough room in there at first and just did not feel that great. Make sure you eat protein when you do eat and you’ll get there! [​IMG]


  31. mindy_7132

    mindy_7132 New Member

    I am almost 12 wks and I have lost almost 20lbs. I have been so sick. My dr. says it's ok as long as the babies are growing and I'm not dehydrating.
  32. I weigh 128 before i became pregnant and im 5'8 at 20 weeks i weighed 144. When i had my u/s at 18 weeks the twin were 7 Oz.

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