Anyone making mothers day gifts?!?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, May 8, 2012.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I watch an 18 month old three days a week. It's one of my best friends daughter. I'm trying to find a gift for her to make, and I'm running out of ideas! I have her make/do something for Christmas, birthdays, mothers/fathers day...I'm out of ideas!

    She's still too young for some ideas I have, so those will have to wait.

    Anyone have some ideas they want to share?!?
  2. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Get a white card and bunch of stickers. You peel and she sticks. That was how my kids made a 93rd birthday card for their great grandma. Hmm, it's late now. But you can buy a egg plant (a plant seed in an egg) at lowes for 3 bucks. Let her water it everyday.
  3. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I helped the kids make a fathers day card back when my two older kids were 2 & 6 months. I made a handprints with paint as the flower then drew the stem. Then DS could decorate the rest. It was really cute.

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