Anyone make it through the whole pregnancy..

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Chrissy2010, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. Chrissy2010

    Chrissy2010 Well-Known Member

    Did anyone make it through the whole pregnancy without any scares and trips to the hospital??
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Lots of us did.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was fortunate enough to.
  4. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I only went to the hospital for my scheduled c-section ...
  5. mommyto3boys

    mommyto3boys Well-Known Member

    I was lucky enough to make it without any hospital visits until the day of my scheduled c-section.
  6. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    Me too - and that was 39 weeks.
  7. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    Yup, me too.

    Check out a favorite blog post of mine for lots of encouraging stories of healthy twin pregnancies. Yes, things might go wrong, but there's a very good chance they won't!
  8. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I made it too, I'm sure the babies would have syated in till I exploded from being so big.
  9. atkins311

    atkins311 Member

    On another multiples site I go to, one lady recently made it to 41 weeks!!
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wavey: Me! No problems at all, didn't have to go to the hospital until I was induced at 38 weeks.
  11. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Me too. Only went to the hospital one time, after my water broke.
  12. hsddc

    hsddc Well-Known Member

    Yep, me too. Haven't been to the hospital except for our birthing class! Hoping not to get there until these kiddos arrive.
  13. LOL! Well... with the 1st set of twins, we made it to 38 weeks with no issues or visits to the hospital. But, with the 2nd set of twins we went to the hospital 2 times in pre-term labor -- then water finally broke at 36 weeks. You'd think I would have been a pro at keepin 'em cookin' -- but I think the 1st twin pregnancy was just too hard on my body so it couldn't handle the 2nd twin pregnancy.

    You can do it! Just be sure to take it easy and drink a lot of water. If you start to feel any braxton hicks contractions -- drink a HUGE glass of water and lay down! :)

  14. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    I showed up for my c-section and that was my first trip to the hospital.
  15. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I only went to the hospital for scheduled u/s, NSTs and my c/s. No problems at all.
  16. horizon250

    horizon250 Well-Known Member

    yup same here. Only went to the hospital for my scheduled c-section. I hope your pregnancy is equally smooth.
  17. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Me too, scheduled induction at 38w2d.
  18. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Me! I went to the hospital for my schedulted c-section at 38 weeks 1 day. That was the earliest my doctor would take the boys out!

    I remember CRYING after my 34 week appointment because my doctor said I was doing so great I should be carrying triplets. I wanted there to be something wrong so they'd take them out sooner. Looking back, I totally realize how insane that was, but I was miserable. It probably didn't help that I was single parenting it while DH was away and I had a 13 month old at home.
  19. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I also had a boring pregnancy :) The only excitement I had was giving birth to them. Water broke and two hours later they were both born...almost didn't make it to the hospital! But that was at 36.6 weeks, and the rest of the time was completely uneventful. The last week was fairly uncomfortable, but uneventful. Good luck!! You can do it!!
  20. calind115

    calind115 Well-Known Member

    I know this isn't my thread but I just wanted to say thank you so much! You ladies just gave me crap done of hope for being able to have these two while daddy is around!
  21. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I didn't have any real scares. I had bleed from a blood clot very early on that sent me to the ER in the middle of the night but the boys were never at risk from that. I also did have to make one L&D trip at around 36 weeks to be put on IV because I got dehydrated. I had a resurgence of morning sickness and just couldn't get enough fluid in. It was really just a precaution and I was in and out in a few hours. Otherwise, I had a very active pregnancy taking care of my older two, took two trips to Disney World, and the most exciting thing was going into labor at 2 am the day before my scheduled c-section.
  22. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I made it to 38 weeks and 5 days without one visit to the hospital! Everyone on staff the night I gave birth all came in to marvel at my progress and couldn't believe that I didn't have a file yet.
  23. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    Yeap. Same here.
  24. medicinemansgirl

    medicinemansgirl Well-Known Member

    I made it to 39wks 5days and both were born naturally with A vertex and B breech. My midwife recently delivered 2 sets of twins that went to 40 and 41 wks. Both moms had 2 babies weighing in at over 8 lbs each. My boys were 6'4 and 7'2 with no problems at all. They came in 4 hrs from start to finish.
  25. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I only went to the ER once during my pregnancy and it was more for me! I had a sinus infection and fever in the middle of the night and they sent me to be monitored - twins were fine and I needed a Z-pak...I was 24 weeks
  26. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    I never went to the hospital either except to be induced. I was 38 weeks exactly. They will be a year old tomorrow.
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