Anyone kinda forget being pregnant?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by scrappycindy, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    It's only been 3 months for me and I have to look at photos to remind myself that I really was pregnant. I mean, it's so weird! I had an uneventful pregnancy, but baby A's water broke at 34 wks and within 2 1/2 hours of it breaking, I had babies. It all happened so fast. And to top it off, labor started quickly, so my Dr. didn't think transporting me to a larger hospital with a NICU would be the best, so I had my babies at my local hospital and within about 2 hours of birth, they were transported. They weren't in distress, just grower/feeders. I did get to see them in the OR for about 30 seconds apiece, then again in thier transport cases before they shipped them. Then it was 2 days before I got to see them again. It was not the birth experience I had hoped and dreamed of, and now it seems kinda like none of it really happened. So, how do I explain the cute little babies in my house... I can see my incision scar, see the stretch marks and I know they are really mine, and I remember the surgery, but it seems all so surreal. Anyone else experience this or am I going loony!?
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sorry you had such a traumatic birth experience! I think that the more times goes by the more and more fond I grow of the memories. I bet that if I looked up my posts at the time when I was pregnant I was probably pretty miserable, but now I just remember how it felt to have them moving inside of me and miss it!

    If I want to remember I was pregnant all I need to do is look at my tummy, it will never be the same! LOL
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Nevaaaaaah! Seriously though, the 'trauma' of it sort of fades over time, but I was not a good pregnant person, and my twin pregnancy was miserable so I won't soon forget that!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm with Becky, I was absolutely miserable & I know I won't forget it any time soon. Time does dull the memories a bit though. And I remember with my other 3 kind of forgetting what it was like in between.
  5. kturley

    kturley Active Member

    YES!!!! i am totally experiencing the same thing! when our girls were only a few weeks old i kept telling my husband that i DO NOT want any more kids and that if i ever try to say anything different he needs to remind me that i've said that i don't want any i miss being pregnant and i really think i might want to try for (hopefully) one more :bump:

    so i'm not the only CRAZY one out here! ha!!!
  6. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    I had an uneventful pregnancy, so the memory of just how big and uncomfortable I was is starting to fade, but I had mine vaginally, and it was hard, long, and painful. I don't think I'll forget that soon; also the memory of holding them right when they came out was unbelievable, and I probably will never forget that. Of course whenever I start thinking that being pregnant wasn't really that bad, I just look at my poor tummy.
  7. kierasmom

    kierasmom Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry your birth experience was not what you hoped for!

    I haven't forgot yet, and my DH's vasectomy failed so we ended up pregnant again. I'm 29 weeks right now.
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I think you are supposed to forget being pregnant and delivery so that you will convince yourself to do it again. I remember thinking with my first DD that there is no way I want to go through delivery again. And low and behold a year later we were trying to baby number 2 (and 3 ;) )
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Rachel, I think this is true. My mother and friends have said this to me over and over again, saying because if you hadn't, you'd never do it again!
    I was fortunate that my pregnancy was uneventful, so there really is nothing spectacular to remember about it. If DH and I could have afforded raising another child, I think I would do it (maybe I have forgotten more then I think!).
  10. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! The "sting" has faded, but I will never forget the long fearful months in the hospital. I thought about trying again for a girl, but I never want to go through that again, so I think I'm going to settle for 2!
  11. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    I can't forget. I was on bedrest for 77 days...34 of those in the hospital... I lost 3 whole months due to my pregnancy. But looking at my girls it was so well worth it and I wouldn't change a thing!
  12. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I agree you are meant to forget it. Every time I mention it, my DH says "Don't you remember how miserable you were???". I do, but I still want to do it all over, just one more time!
  13. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    78 days in the hospital here! :wavey: Like you, it was worth it, but I don't wanna do it again!!! :lol:
  14. rumbo

    rumbo Well-Known Member

    I totally feel the same way. After I had my girls I was sooooo happy to have my body back and eat all the foods I couldn't while I was pregnant. But now when I look at other pregnant moms I have such nostalgic feelings!
  15. rumbo

    rumbo Well-Known Member

    Wow!! :shok:
  16. nicinthebu

    nicinthebu Well-Known Member

    lol _ i relate to how I look at my little ones and am amazed. I cant help but be in awe... that I created these little humans! They came out of my BODY! How they fit I still dont know!

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