Anyone in southern Illinois?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kuchar, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    Just a quick not to see if anyone was in the Illinois earthquake area this morning... we are a couple hundred miles away, but we felt it enough to be woken up. I was looking out my back window for a tornado... I've never experienced earthquake tremors before! How scary for anyone living close to the fault line!

    Hope everyone's okay!

  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I live in southern KY and it woke me up. I thought at first it was a tornado until I got my senses together. Our house shook for about 20 seconds. It scared me to death!
  3. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    I have lived in Chicago all my life, and I never thought I would be able to experience an earthquake because they just don't happen much by me. Well, this past weekend (Thurs - Sun) I was at a Juice Plus+ convention in Phoenix, and completely missed the entire thing! This is the first time I have gotten away on my own - with friends but not family - in a very long time, and I missed it. Once we heard about it at the conference, we were all calling home to find out what happened - I thought someone was joking with me when she told me. LOL.

    All that said, my DH was home and said he didn't notice it at all. He is a heavy sleeper though, so it wouldn't surprise me if he did sleep through it. My parents, who don't live far away said they didn't feel anything either.
  4. kayleesmama

    kayleesmama Well-Known Member

    Hi! I am in southern Illinois. We live about 40 minutes from the epicenter from Friday's earthquake & my aunt & uncle live about 5 miles from the epicenter. It was crazy! At first I thought it was the furnace, but then I thought..."it's not on.", then dh was thinking tornado, but, of course, nothing was going on outside. Everything was shaking! There was a loud rumbling noise too that was like a freight train. Anyway, I said "babies!" & got the twins & held them under a doorway & dh had our older dd in another room. We didn't really have any damage, but my aunt & uncle had lots of pictures fall off walls & stuff fell off shelves, etc. Very scary. My uncle's school also had the library ceiling collapse. We were also doing a teacher's institute where I work on Friday at 10:30 or so & an aftershock (around 4.5) hit us. Very scary! I was glad we didn't have students that day. Would have been crazy! The news is saying we had another aftershock last night a little after midnight. It didn't wake us up this time though. I just hope these aren't "preshocks" to a bigger quake, kwim? Just not used to this here. We had a quake when I was about 10 here, but that's the only other one I remember. Thanks for asking about us though!
  5. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    I live by peoria and did not feel anything..
  6. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    I'm in IL, right outside of St. Louis. It woke us up. Felt like someone had put a quarter in our bed to turn it on. ;) We didn't have anything fall off the walls or anything. DH said the TV in our room rocked a little though. I didn't feel any of the aftershocks.
  7. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    We're located right about the same place Marcy874 is, and it was about the same. Except we did feel the first aftershock at 10:15. It was wild, cause I woke up in bed andturned to ask DH if he felt that. Only to find the bed occupied by Reagan instead. LOL I finally found DH in the living room also. :)

    It didn't knowck anything down, but it goofed up most of the pictures on the walls. I still need to go back and level them all.

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