Anyone here have an 'earlier' bedtime?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by two.heartbeats, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    Hello :)

    I was wondering if there are an moms here with toddlers around the same age as mine that have early bedtimes, like before 7pm. Mine sleep from 6:30pm-6:00am. So they get 11.5 hours of sleep each night. They can't seem to go past 6:30pm without a huge fit and being really cranky. I've tried many times to stretch it to 7 or 7:30 even. They are just used to it I guess. I don't like that they get up so early, but, I am liking my evenings to unwind :D Am I alone here?
  2. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    We were 6:30 for the LONGEST time. I think it was around 13-14 mos that we were able to stretch it (and did so b/c of early morning wakings). Now bedtime is between 7-7:30, but some days they fall asleep immediately & others they lay in there & party (depends on naps).

    Mine are early risers, though...between 5:30-6am. I'll take that over the 4am we were doing for a while!!!
  3. rensejk

    rensejk Well-Known Member

    Ours were at 6:30 for the longest time. Then a month ago when my DH went back to school (he's a teacher) we moved their bedtime later so that we could all have supper together when I get home between 5:30-6. So now they go to bed at 7:30 and (JOY!) they get up around 7 a.m. SEVEN AM! It is absolutely glorious on the weekends!!! Some Saturdays I've even gotten up at 6:30 just to have some time alone with a cup of coffee and the paper.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    How old are your twins?

    My girls have had a 6:00/6:30 bedtime since they were about 6 months old. They just started pushing it back to 7:00 in the past month or two. They have most often slept until at least 6:00/6:30, but have pushed that up to 7:00/7:30.

    So, the answer is no, you are not alone. ;)
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I think we might just win the prize... my boys have been going to sleep at 6:00 pm for as long as I can really remember. They can sometimes make it to 6:30 but that is rare. They get up at about 6:00 am most days. Naps are not so great-- 2 naps at about 45-60 minutes each. We have tried to push bedtime later but it never really seems to be worth it... they won't sleep in later or nap for longer, so they end up cranky all day. A solid 12 hours at night is great, though... even if I have to get up with them at 6 am!
  6. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    I cherish early bedtimes! Mine go to bed at 7pm. But everyone once in a while when they don't nap so well, I can get them in bed at 6:30. Basically, it doesn't matter when my boys go to sleep, they wake up at the same time every morning. So why not put them to bed early so that I can decompress in the evenings?
    The ONLY time this can be a hassle is when there is that invitation over to someones home in the evening. The little ones are up past their usual bed time, they are cranky at said company's house, they wake up at the usual time the next morning, then they are super cranky the next day....prompting the 6:30 bed time the following evening. :blink:
  7. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    No, you are not alone! Mine were going to be at 7:00 but, now since our naps aren't as long they are going to bed at 6:30. If not they are sooo cranky!!
    Sometimes DD will thrash around and finally go to sleep within 15-20 mins of putting her down while DS goes to sleep right away.
    They usually wake ip in the mornings between 6:30-7:00.
    It'll be interesting when the time changes to see what will happen and how their sched will adjust.. I'm dreading it!!
  8. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    My girls go to bed at 6:30 every night, 6:45 if we're feeling crazy. They fall asleep by 7 most nights. They're up every morning somewhere between 6am and 6:30, so they get about 11.5 hours of sleep, plus a 2 hour nap. I actually like the schedule. I get to spend a little time with the girls before work and then have several hours with them in the afternoons, and I have my whole evening alone with my husband. It's the best of both worlds!
  9. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    The only thing keeping me from putting them to bed at 6:30 is that DH gets home from work too late. They go to bed between 7 and 7:30.
  10. mommato3

    mommato3 Member

    mine sleep from 7 to 7 sometimes 630 am....I stay up until about 11 or 12 and i think i am used to the lack of sleep now....i also take naps with them during the day

    QUOTE(two.heartbeats @ Oct 9 2008, 04:19 PM) [snapback]1019705[/snapback]
    Hello :)

    I was wondering if there are an moms here with toddlers around the same age as mine that have early bedtimes, like before 7pm. Mine sleep from 6:30pm-6:00am. So they get 11.5 hours of sleep each night. They can't seem to go past 6:30pm without a huge fit and being really cranky. I've tried many times to stretch it to 7 or 7:30 even. They are just used to it I guess. I don't like that they get up so early, but, I am liking my evenings to unwind :D Am I alone here?
  11. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Be thankful they sleep in so late! :) Mine go to bed between 6:30 and 7 but are always up at 5/5:30. DH and I quickly clean the kitchen and maybe watch a 30 min tv show then we're off to bed ourselves! I don't know how you ladies survive who stay up late!
  12. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    When my kids were younger, they couldn't make it past 6pm. We are now going to bed at 7pm, it takes them a while to settle down but that happens pretty much whenever they go in their cribs and they wake up at a good time, so 7 it is.
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    if I ever put my kids down at 7 pm they'd be up at 5 so mine go to bed pretty late compared to the rest of you! Mine go down between 8-8:30 and sleep till 7:30 if they don't have to get up for daycare - so they get between 10-11 hours of sleep a night and generally take a 2 hour nap...

    god bless all of you that can get your kids down that early...I put mine to bed once (and only once) at 7 pm (and they were even sick) and they were up at 5 - NEVER again!
  14. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    For the longest time our girls went to bed at 6:30pm and woke around 6am.

    Now they go to bed at 7pm and sleep until around 6:45-7:15'ish.
  15. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    I put them to bed at 7/7:30. I used to put them down at 6/6:30, but I just felt that I need to put them later due to the coming time change. I'm going to try to get to 8 in the next week or so, but that's just so come time to "fall back", they'll be back to their 7pm bedtime. I've been giving them their bedtime baths later so that they're not too cranky (they LOVE their baths and it wakes them up rather than making them sleepy).
  16. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Not alone...mine go down between 6:45 and 7 and wake between 5:30 and 6:15(on weekends). They also take about 1.5 to 2 hour nap midday.

    I love my time to unwind in the just makes it impossible to do anything in the evening with the children because I generally refuse to mess with bedtime unless it's a holiday or something.
  17. JenniferZ

    JenniferZ Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Michelle B @ Oct 9 2008, 08:10 PM) [snapback]1019771[/snapback]
    I cherish early bedtimes! Mine go to bed at 7pm. But everyone once in a while when they don't nap so well, I can get them in bed at 6:30. Basically, it doesn't matter when my boys go to sleep, they wake up at the same time every morning. So why not put them to bed early so that I can decompress in the evenings?
    The ONLY time this can be a hassle is when there is that invitation over to someones home in the evening. The little ones are up past their usual bed time, they are cranky at said company's house, they wake up at the usual time the next morning, then they are super cranky the next day....prompting the 6:30 bed time the following evening. :blink:

  18. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    I know mine are older but they go bed between 7/7.30 and sleep till 6 :crazy: at the latest. Even if you push their bedtime back or they dont have a nap they still get up at 6am. They have been doing this since they were 1ish. As much as i like having the evenings to myself i wish they would sleep at least another 30 mins in the morning. 6 am is such a crappy time to have to get up!! Especially when your lazy like me lol xx
  19. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter how late we put the kids to bed, they always are up around 5:45ish.

    At least by putting them to bed at 6:30 we have a break and the kids get more sleep so are happier the next day.

    Plus I have time from 6:30 to 7:30 to spent quality time with my 8 year old who goes to her bedroom at 7:30 (and ligts out at 8)
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