Anyone having mono-mono twins?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by inanity09, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. inanity09

    inanity09 Member

    I'm 10 wks pg with mono-mono twins (one placenta, one sac). Anyone else having mono-mono twins? It's pretty rare, but I'm hoping there may be someone on here with a similar situation.
  2. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    There is another poster here Sjohnson she had mo-mo twin boys. Hopefully she will be along to answer more questions for you. Also I think I remember seeing under the Expecting Twins like an FAQ with links to different topics like mo-mo twins & TTTS and so forth. Sorry I wasn't more help.
    I don't know if this helps at all, but I had a friend who was told she was having mo-mo twins, but around 12+wks they were able to find the sep membrane.
  3. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    We thought we were having mo-mo twins until the peri found the membrane at 21-22 weeks. Until then, I read a lot on There is a AJOG article that is cited frequently - the Heyborne Study - that is the largest study of mo-mo twins. Here's the link -
  4. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I was first diagnosed with mo-mo twins but at 13 weeks we could make out a thin membrane. But only once I went to the hige risk centre, who has very high tech equipment. My normal obgyn couldnt pick up the membrane.

    As for TTTS, so far we are doing very well and no sign of TTTS.

    I suggest you go to a high risk centre where they are more equipt to deal with mo mo twins or to at least set your mind at ease.

    Good luck
  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    There have been several moms on here who delivered healthy mono-mono twins. That said, at 10 weeks, it's still very possible that your peri will find a membrane and you'll learn you actually are carrying mono/di twins. Hang in there!
  6. morgan57

    morgan57 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your identical twins! I am having mono/di twins. I would say that 10 weeks still may be too early to find a membrane- a lot of the time the membrane isn't found until 12-13 weeks. Has your doctor been looking with a high resolution ultrasound machine? Sometimes the machines just aren't high tech enough to find the membrane.
  7. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    Hi!!!! I delivered momo twin girls in March of 2008. I was also diagnosed at 10 weeks, checked at 12 weeks, 14 weeks, confirmed at 16 weeks, and was so overwhelmed with eveything we were told. I would love to share my experience with you if you want.
  8. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    A woman from my mother's group had Mo-mo twins. One doctor said not to get her "hopes up" but then she found a good doctor and she has two beautiful girls with no complications. Some doctors just don't know the advancements at this level.

  9. inanity09

    inanity09 Member

    I would love to hear your story.
  10. inanity09

    inanity09 Member

    I have already been to a peri with a high resolution ultrasound machine. The dr did not even mention the possibility of a membrane and since the babies would not move away from each other even suggested that there is the possibility that the babies are conjoined. This doesn't really seem possible because of the way they are positioned and even on the lower resolution u/s machine at my ob's office you could see they were separate. I guess there is still a small chance they are conjoined at some weird small spot, but my feeling is that they are separate. I go back to the peri at about 12 wks. I hope to get good news then! I would love for them to find a membrane, but I don't really have much hope for that at this point.
  11. Mel1012

    Mel1012 Member

    I had mo-mo twins 2 years ago. There used to be a sticky I thought for this topic, but I can't find it. If I remember right, at my first doctor appointment at maybe 6 or 7 weeks my ob/gyn told me it was twins but he couldn't see a membrane. I went back every two weeks, never found the membrane. I was lucky that my doctor's sonogram tech had had momo twins 6 years earlier, so I "knew" someone who had a successful momo pregnancy! I went in-patient at 24 weeks so that the babies could be monitored. At 30w5d the knots in the cords started to cause compression and I delivered early. But all was well! The girls were fine except for being tiny (3 pounds 11 ounces). They were in the NICU for 26 days. Today they are at the 25% for weight and are VERY active 2 year olds. I was in the hospital for about 50 days, which seems like nothing now but it sure was hard then. Feel free to contact me if you have questions, I know it is a scary time.
  12. Mel1012

    Mel1012 Member

    OK I found the sticky. It's in this forum, called "Complications and Issues...". Just click on that, then in the first post you can click on "monoamniotic" or something like that. There are several stories from women you have been through a momo pregnancy.
  13. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    They also thought my twins were possibly conjoined until about 16 weeks. I am sending you a message with some info, and I think someone already mentioned the site It is great for momo moms. I also have a blog @ I started it when I went inpatient at 26 weeks.
  14. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    See the link below
  15. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    Here's the link for monoamniotic stories on Twinstuff

    My link
  16. Sunshine6268

    Sunshine6268 New Member

    Hi, I just gave birth to mono-mono twins (identical girls) and they will be 3 months on tuesday. I know that it is very scary but keep your head up and take care of yourself, everything will be ok. What ever questions you have please feel free to ask, i have no problem. Just like you i was very scared and worried because i had already lost two pregnancies before. When is your due date? How far along are you?

    Much Love,
  17. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    Hi, I've got 2 year old mono girls. My story is on the expecting link as well. We have a facebook group as well to keep in contact. Let me know if there are any questions I can help with.
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