Anyone having constant contractions / no cervix change?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by andgoody, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    I will be 23 weeks pregnant with twin girls on Friday. I am on terbutaline pills that may or may not be helping, but i've been contracting a lot for a while now. They are always monitoring me, and so far my cervix has looked great! I just don't understand why this is happening!!! Anyone else going thru something similar...or did you in the past and still delivered close to term?
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest


    Hi there. It's good that so far the contractions have not changed your cervix, although be aware that can change at anytime. Are you on bedrest? Have you tried increasing your water intake?

    I had a lot of BH's, and was put on bedrest at 28 weeks for shortening/funneling cervix. Whether it was the BH's or just the weight of the babies, I don't know. My doctor wanted me to call if I had more than 6 in one hour. Has your doctor given you any guidelines of when to call?

  3. McChelsea

    McChelsea Active Member

    I am 30 weeks and 2 days along... my doctor also said 6 an hour is pushing it. I counted yesterday and I had like 40 contractions during the day and night and NO CERVICAL CHANGE (that I know of). As of my last appointment on the 5th, my cervix was like fort knox! oye vey! if i have to drink another drop of water I'm gonna go crazy hehe I go back this monday for a regular check up and im gonna see if they can check me because i have some very uncomfortable contractions! i have a small list of other discomforts too and my husband thinks i will be on hospital bed rest because i can't stop doing things around the house and im on bed rest at home right now. i have a 20 month old son and im a stay at home mom so that doesn't help! i just wonder how much longer my body will last.. i want the best for my little bajungas!
  4. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! Yes, I'm supposed to call the doc if i have more than 6 contractions a couple hours in a row after I've tried 2 of my terbutaline pills. I'm so tired of calling. I'm just on bedrest at home right now...not strict bedrest, but I don't really do anything. I have an appointment with the perinatal center tomorrow. Hopefully that will be fine. I feel that I've been drinking enough water too. That doesn't seem to help. :(
  5. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Good news and bad news...I was in the exact same situation at 22 weeks. Good news first...we made it to 37 weeks before I even dilated a full cm. Bad news...I was on bedrest for 14 weeks with terbutaline eventually around the clock and I continued to contract regularly the whole time. I switched doctors at one point because we moved and they wouldn't let me go after my NST because the contractions were every 4 minutes for over an hour. I told them that was how it was ALL the time, but they waited to get my old dr on the phone before they would let me go home! They lifted bedrest at 36 weeks and when I stopped the terbutaline, the contractions got a little stronger and more painful, and my water broke exactly a week later. I was able to handle the real contractions pretty well, though...we delivered vaginally with no meds and I say it was because I had so much practice :p

    Keep relaxing, drinking tons (and I mean TONS) of water, and taking the meds. I think a positive )or in my case piggishly stubborn) attitude helps, too, so just keep telling yourself that you WILL be able to keep those little ones cooking!

    Do you have someone to help you out? That was the hardest part, but my mom was able to stay with me for a big part of the bedrest and I really think she made it so I didn't overdo it. It's tough not to jump up and make pancakes when the craving hits...GL!!!
  6. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    My peri mentioned that some women will have BH with no change what so ever... Some women are just like that... But i would imagine that they will keep checking you frequently....Hopefully your cervix will stay tight and closed...
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