Anyone have tips for beating the heat?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by moski, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had our first "heat wave" this week. I have been lucky in that I have only been in early pregnancy in the summer, I have winter babies. I remember last year sitting in our air conditioned trailer for a day down the beach because I didn't feel well. So can you all share what you have been doing to tolerate the heat??

    My summer things last year: Lemonade, watermelon, the beach, the pool (sometimes I would even just stick my feet in the kids pool to cool off).
  2. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Air conditioning and popsicles. Oh, taking a cool shower at night can help you sleep. Hope this helps.
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Frozen, slushy type drinks and putting a cool washcloth on your head before bed.
  4. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    A cool bath before bed.

    A fan blowing on you.

    Soaking your feet in a cool basin of water.

    Water, slushies, popsicles.

    Anywhere airconditioned.

    Hope that helps a bit...we had a heat wave a bit ago, and i found a cool bath was my favorite before bed and then have a fan blow on me :)
  5. motheringtwins

    motheringtwins Well-Known Member

    when it was really really hot, i soaked a sheet in water and draped it over my entire body. DH complained that the bed was wet, but at least i slept for a couple of hours.

    lie under a fan and watch as many dvd's as you can
  6. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    It's tough. Today was very warm and VERY humid and it really zapped the energy out of me when I took the kids outside to play. So, I very much appreciate some of these tips. My girls were winter babies too so I didn't experience this the first time around.

    So far these have served me well:

    Cold water
    Decaf Iced Tea with Splenda
    Fans blowing right on me
    Wet wash cloth, stuck in the freezer for 15-20min then applied to forehead, face and neck
  7. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    Icee's from BK are my thing...air conditioning, swimming pools (they help when you feel so heavy that your feet wont even lift you up, it's liek all the weight is gone when your're in the water. Just watch when you get out b/c it's soooo heavy.) And popsicles and soaking your feet in cold water......
  8. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    AC, fans, ice water or lemonade, going to a pool or taking a cold-ish shower can be might refreshing. We also have a kiddie pool I have to scrub out so we can use. I even like to sit in it with the boys. :laughing: Last year a water sprinkler was wonderful but now my boys are only interested in the garden hose.

    I like the cool washcloth idea.
  9. Erica92

    Erica92 Well-Known Member

    Air conditioning, air conditioning, air conditioning. We have a ceiling fan and an individual air conditioning unit in our bedroom (ontop of central air) that we set to 60 degrees which keeps the room VERY chilly.

    That and drinking tons of cold ice water. We will also hit the pool in MIL's neighborhood on the weekends!

    Hang in there :)
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