Anyone have the Leap Frog Little Leaps?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Oct 3, 2008.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    We got the Leap Frog Little Leaps as a gift for my DS and I just broke it out of the box and finally figured out how to set it up. Anyway I think it was a waste of $ and probably should have taken it back. He just wants to push the buttons over and over and doesn't get that it goes with the tv. Anyone like this or have any suggestions?

  2. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    We got ours last year for X-mas from m-n-l and f-n-l and we have used it maybe 3 times and haven't even opened two of the games. I agree, not a great toy.
  3. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    No, we haven't had this, but I would also add that the little touch leap pads have driven us nuts. They never ever used them correctly, fought over them most of the time, and when they were turned on, they mostly just walked around the house carrying it while the stupid machines blared, "PLEASE TOUCH THE GREEN GO CIRCLE TO BEGIN PLAYING!"- Basically they drove us nuts till we gave them away. They say 18 mo and up, but my kids are almost 3 and they still never got the concept of how to play with them even when coached one on one.
  4. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I took the V-tech equivilent of that back when my boys were younger. Total waste and I was very disappointed. At 2.5, we got them the Leap Frog My First LeapPad and they knew pretty quickly how to touch the green go button and play some the activities. Now, at age 3, they are really starting to get how to use it. They are running the wand (whatever it is called) over the words and learning them, playing music, etc. Maybe wait until yours are a little older and then try again with the My First LeapPad or whatever they update it with.

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