Anyone have kids with ADHD?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Saramcc, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    My little ones are almost 2 so maybe this is typical 2 year old behavior. but my son tends to be very hyperactive and destructive at times, not always. Sometimes he can sit by himself playing with toys quietly, I'll forget he's even in the room because he's so quiet. When he gets rambunctious, he likes to hit you and when we say stop and thump his nuckles he thinks it's funny and keeps doing it. then he'll go head butt the wall or throw toys at his sister or sometimes hit her too. He's not a monster, but he gets overstimulated and thinks everything is funny which makes me frustrated.

    ADHD runs in my SO's family so I wonder if this is first signs of it. What do you think? or does this just sound like toddler behavior?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    From what I have heard, at age two you really can't diagnose ADD or ADHD. It really sounds like he is being a typical 2 year old. Just try to be consistant and calm with him. Certainly watch for signs, but perhaps have some activities when he can let loose. (throwing balls in an appropriate area)
  3. nylaney

    nylaney Member

    I don't have kids with ADHD but I do diagnose and treat ADHD in young kids. It's really too early to diagnose at 2. It may very well be just normal 2 year-old behavior and if you think he likes getting you frustrated, he may just be doing it for attention. I'd try ignoring the behavior (if it's not dangerous to him or others), if he doesn't get a reaction from you, he might not find it so entertaning. Just make sure that you pay a lot of attention when he's behaving well and playing quietly. You can also put in him in a (very short) timeout/quiet time for hitting and other aggressive behavior. He may just need a few minutes away from the stimulation if it gets him overexcited. Good luck! I know it can be very frustrating.
  4. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i agree w/the pp's. i would just add that thumping his knuckles is a form of hitting him, so it might not work that well if you're trying to get him to stop hitting something (now or in the future). i know it's tempting and possibly something your teachers or parents did, but i've read so much about this stuff lately and i just had to pass that on. i would suggest trying to find another way to tell him what he's doing isn't cool.

    one otehr thing... does he act more negatively when he's hungry or tired? you might be able to control it better if you notice that he does.

    best of luck!
  5. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I used to work with ADD and ADHD children and I never saw children that young diagnosed. I agree with PP that "thumping the knuckles" might actually be demonstrating that hitting is how you deal with situations. I would try timeouts, 1-2-3 magic, or any other similar strategy.
    What about his diet - does he eat enough veggies, wholegrains and good fats? Are there some extra sugary or unhealthy things that maybe you could eliminate?

    Good luck!
  6. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    Hi, yeah I don't do the thumping of the nuckles often only when he's repeadily hitting his sister and won't listen. I don't do it hard. I've noticed he's get more rambunctious when it's becoming bedtime, it's like he gets this instant second wind of madness. So strange. I will try the timeout thing. thanks
  7. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    maybe try putting him to bed 15-30 minutes earlier...because potentially he is hitting his second wind and then it makes it difficult for him to calm down. Just a thought.
  8. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    My dd has ADHD. I knew from early on (7 months old) that she wasn't quite like the others little girls her age. She was always off in her own little world and didn't listen at all. By 3 years old I was pretty certain she had it and by Kindergarten I was sure she did. Like other PP mentioned, you won't get a diagnosis's (in most cases) until at least five years old. Until then try not to worry about it to much. It sounds like it could be normal 2 year old behavior.
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