anyone have a "toe walker" at age 2

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommy2my2, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. mommy2my2

    mommy2my2 Well-Known Member

    Well, let me start by saying that my twin girls just had their 2 year old appt. and the dr, said everything looks great and they are doing well. However, I brought up the fact that Madelyn walks on her toes a lot. I have heard this can indicate cerebral palsy or muscle spasticity and I was kind of worried. He said there were other indicators for those things which she did not have and she must have developped this tip toe walking as a habit. He said to continue to remind her to put her feet down. Any one else have this happen? I'm a little worried, but I don't know if I am stressing myself out over nothing. Thanks

    Ashley and Madelyn 5/10/05
  2. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    Hi, my Audrey is a toe-walker as well. My ped also told me to remind her when she is walking to keep her feet down and she will walk heel-toe when I remind her, but given the choice she would rather be on her toes. I heard from another mom that if kids don't out grown it by age 5 there are inserts that a pediatric podiatrist will have you put in their shoes to help make it a "habit" to walk normally. I hope It doesn't get that far.
  3. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    My Erin is a toe walker also. She's been doing it off and on since she started walking. I think it's just part of who she is, and she will outgrow it.
  4. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    My dd does the same thing and my Pediatrician recommended we buy her high tops to strengthen a certain muscle (can't remember which one). I found some really cute ones at Stride Rite for cheap because they were out of season.
  5. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    Jaydon had "indicators" for CP (spastic diplegia) until he was almost 3 years old, but then his issues began to resolve on their own. Our pedi recommended high top shoes as well. It's harder to be on your toes when you're wearing shoes. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about if you discussed this with the pedi and were give a clean bill of health.
  6. mommy2my2

    mommy2my2 Well-Known Member

    I think I've noticed her walking better in flat sandals vs. sneakers that seem to tilt up some in the back. Any suggestions for where to buy high tops for toddlers? Thanks for all of your resposnses.

    Ashley and Maddy 5/10/05
  7. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    We just used the white baby shoes. Ours were a gift, so I am not sure where they came from. Check the dept stores. Maybe places like Target and Walmart sell them too.
  8. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    This advice may be out of date because my experience was over 20 years ago when my oldest dd was 2. She walked on her tippy toes so much that her Achilles tendons became shortened & she couldn't put her heels all the way on the floor. She had to have serial casts on her feet, up to her knees, for about 6 months to stretch out the Achilles & re-train her to walk heel properly. If it doesnt resolve soon, I would take her back to the pedi & ask about a Pedi Ortho consult. Good luck!
  9. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    Cameron is a toe- walker also - always has been. He was in PT from 7 - 16 months and the PT really didn't like that he toe walked and used to talk about orthotics. I decided to stop his PT at 16 months, and I asked the pedi about the toe walking at his 18 month appt - the pedi assured me it was very common at that age - I don't think they get really concerned until they are older.

    However, I do try to remember to stretch him (when he is lying down have his leg straight going up and gently push back his toes to stretch his achilles and all the back of his leg) - he hates it because he is so tight, and i don't do it nearly enough, but i think that, and reminding them heels down, are the best things to do.

    I definitely notice that he walks better in certain shoes - but I haven't found much rhyme or reason as to which ones make him walk most "properly".

    good luck!
  10. MJXplus2

    MJXplus2 Well-Known Member

    My daughter toe walks and it is the only symptom she has of a very mild case of cp. Her toe walking is only in one foot, however, which is almost always an indicator that something atypical is causing it. She wears a brace to try to stretch it but it is just as much habit for her as it is because of her shortened achilles tendon. She had serial casting and even when she was wearing a cast with her foot permanently stretched flat or at a positive angle, she would alter how she stood so she could still walk on her toes in her cast!

    Personally, after hearing how concerned her orthopedist is about the damage to her knees from toe walking, I would at least want a consult with an orthopedist if my child toe walked and it had started to cause tightness in the ankles. It is hard to tell with toe walking in both legs if the tight muscles cause toe walking (cp) or if toe walking causes the tight muscles, but either way the improper gait will wear on the joints over time.

    My good friend's son always walked on his toes as well and the pediatrician kept telling her not to worry. I didn't even notice until she told me about it somewhere around his 5th birthday and I have been seeing him 1-3 times a week his whole life! Now, at almost 6, his ankles are so tight he is looking at surgery to lengthen his heel cord in the next few months because he has gone untreated for so long. If he had started physical therapy at 2 or 3, they probably could have stretched him out and broken the bad habit before it got this far. He has not been diagnosed with cp, but the tightness in his heels and the range of motion he has is considerably worse than that of my daughter who does has cp.
  11. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    I could have written your post! Ian is only 20 mos though, but other than that, I was thinking the same thing just this week. They have been walking since 13mos and he just started w/in the last week or so, walking on his tip toes. I've only noticed it while we are at home and he's barefoot, but it still caught my attention and I did some looking on the internet as well. I hope it is just a phase for my son as well as your daughter. Good luck.

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