Anyone have a child with extremely sensitive skin?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by carilberry, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    Kate is my extremely fair skinned child. Every once in a while, her face gets red splotches on her cheeks and she breaks out in little bumps. They last for about a day or two and then clear up for awhile. It looks terrible, but doesn't seem to cause her any discomfort. Is there any product that could help clear this up right away?
  2. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    Kate is my extremely fair skinned child. Every once in a while, her face gets red splotches on her cheeks and she breaks out in little bumps. They last for about a day or two and then clear up for awhile. It looks terrible, but doesn't seem to cause her any discomfort. Is there any product that could help clear this up right away?
  3. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Kaysie has extremely sensitive skin- our pedi recommended cetaphil. Kaysie gets those bumps on her cheeks all the time.
  4. reaganslp

    reaganslp Well-Known Member

    Hadley appears to be allergic/sensitive to most lotions out there with any sort of fragrance, etc. We use Aveeno for bathing her and lotion. She still gets little bumps all over her back but they never get red or itchy.

  5. Momto1now3

    Momto1now3 Well-Known Member

    Funny you should post this question today. We just went to the ped. derm. this morning for dry skin patches (not visible, but can be felt) on the legs and arms. They also get dry, reddish areas on their face. They said that it is just dry skin and maybe mild ecsema. She said it is best to use the aveeno baby creamy soap and the aveeno baby cream, not lotion. I went and got some today and I can tell a difference just after their bath tonight. Their skin issues never seem to bother them, but sometimes their face looks pretty bad. I also put vaseline on their face before bedtime. I don't use any lotion or soap with a fragrance and I still use dreft to wash their clothes. I'm not sure if as they get older they will out grow it or not. They are currently 19 months and have been like this off and on since birth. If you can, try the products they recommended to me. I have only used them once, but I think it has helped so far.
  6. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    Both my girls are extremly sensitive. I use the Eucerin cream, or the Baby Exzema lotion by Gentle Nature? Cetaphil is also good and has been recomended by the ped. The Eucerin, or creamy vaseline stays very well. I apply and reapply to the face several times a day, and to the body morning and night.
  7. blessedw2

    blessedw2 Well-Known Member

    My son has extremly senstive skin and lots of allergies. We have tried several lotions and the only one that helps is Aveeno Baby. We can not use anything with any fragrance.
  8. Xraygrly

    Xraygrly Well-Known Member

    Hi our Pedi suggested to use hydrocortisone to cleaqr up and then use aquafor for everday use.
  9. Emerald

    Emerald Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Xraygrly:
    Hi our Pedi suggested to use hydrocortisone to cleaqr up and then use aquafor for everday use.

    Same deal for us. Tabitha has the kind of skin that reacts to everything: fabric softner, purfume, make-up of any sort, soap, etc.
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