Anyone had to be away from their babies due to going into hospital?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by CHJH, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone. Next month I'm going to have to spend some time in the hospital (3-5 days) to have a thyroidectomy. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last month. I'm going to be just fine, but I'll have to be away from the boys for the duration of the operation, and then the doctor said I'll need 2-3 weeks of recovery time at home. ( + During the summer I'll have to have radioactive iodine therapy, which mean a week or so in isolation, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.) Luckily, the hospital is VERY close to my house - it's basically a 10-minute walk!

    Anyway, I need to make a lot of arrangements for the babies' care while I'm away and during the recovery period, when I can't lift them, do much around the house, etc.. My husband can take some time off work, which is great, but I'm hoping he can spend a good bit of his time caring for me. My Mum and in laws can help out with the boys, and some friends have offered too. I guess I need to make some food for the freezer and some lists of the boys schedule, likes, dislikes, etc. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Any tips? I am just dreading this whole thing. Thyroid cancer is treatable, so I'm very grateful for that, but it's just so inconvenient!!
  2. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    You are in my thoughts! When I go in to deliver the babies I am packing a bag for the babies including favorite books, toys and snacks. I know what will make them happy so I plan to have that all available. We are also hiring a girl from the local college to play and carry them for us... at $10 an hour, its a god send!
  3. 2monkeez

    2monkeez Well-Known Member

    Hey, sorry you have to go through this...I know it's not the worst CA you can have, but it still stinks...

    first let me say, my Dad went through all the same stuff about 7 years ago and he is now a retired 67 year old who is training for the Boston Marathon ( he's always been a runner, but still...pretty cool I think!) I know you know it's treatable, but I think it's always nice to hear a good story!

    Second, I was in the hosp for a week (unexpected) when the boys were 18 months...they did okay, they called anytime they wanted me and they visited once a day. I know they may not be able to visit, but... When I went into have my dd, the boys were older than yours, but this still may work...we made Mommy books where we glued pictures in of us together and on each page was a number, 4-1 so then I wrote a message to them on each page, and daddy or grandma read it each day and then ripped that page out, so it was like a count down..they each had thier own worked really well for them...Gavin even slept with his!

    Hope that wasn't confusing, I am a rambler!!

    Good luck, I'll keep you in my prayers!!
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I was away from my boys for 3 days when I was in the hospital after having Katie... it was hard, I didn't think I would miss them that much!!

    I hope your procedure goes well... :hug99:
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was away from the twins for 5 days when I had Liam. They came to visit me in the hospital, but I was away from them at night. It wasn't too bad, they spent two nights at my brother's house and then the rest of the time with Daddy.

    Good luck with your surgery.
  6. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I hope your surgery goes very well--you are in my thoughts.

    I was in the hospital for 4 days when I had my gull bladder out. My girls were 7 months old. My SIL and DH took care of them and pretty much everything.

    My only advice is rest and try not to worry about home while you are in the hospital. Look at this as a time to rest and heal your body. It's your opportunity to rest and be waited on. Few mother's get that.

    Turn it into a positive time for yourself if possible. (And that will help speed your healing too.)
  7. Becky444

    Becky444 Well-Known Member

    I was in the hospital for a little over a month when my babies were 8 months old. I had emergency surgery and had no prep time! My advice is to have help. Whatever you can get. Church, MOPS, and group you are involved in. This is your turn to recieve and you can return the favor when you are better. If you have time make some easy to do meals. If you can afford it have a cleaner come in once a week. My mom was here but if it hadnt been for her my house would have fallen apart. Dont get me wrong, DH did an awesome job trying to keep things moving but enlist the help of friends wherever you can get it.

    My hugs and prayers are with you. Just get the help you need so you can rest and get better.

    Hope that helps.
  8. terilynn12116

    terilynn12116 Active Member

    I was in the hospital for 3 days because of a hysterectomy. My boys are high needs, and were bounced from one house to another, to yet a third. It was really hard on them, and me. Was months later before we found all their stuff, and am still missing some sippy cups. I packed them favorite toys, and clothes. Michael had a pair of pj's he would live in, so I made sure they were in the bag. Matthew's braces, I taught everyone how to put them on. He still went without them for days. No one thought to give them a bath. So I had to do that first day home from what looked like another csection. That was hard. Write EVERYTHING down, but don't expect it all done.

    You will be in my prayers.


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