anyone go to school and have young twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dezmitch, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking of a career change....and my husband is in full support. I think I may quit my part time job (used to be my full time job until I had the twins) and go back to school to be a nurse. I'm currently in marketing and have been for 10 years. Just bored with it -- and there's not much flexibility. There is now since I work part time, but I'm thinking long term there's no flexibility. Seems like there is more flexibility in nursing, my sister's a nurse practitioner so of course she is encouraging me. The healthcare market has ALWAYS intrigued me. Thoughts????? Should I do it?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was in the middle of my master's degree when I got pregnant and had the twins (just graduated in May). It did require a lot of juggling in terms of babysitting so that I could go to classes and do my clinical work. My family was totally supportive and even when I was ready to throw in the towel, they encouraged me to the finish line. I say go for it! It can be done!
  3. Hi, I am a mother of 20 month old twin boys. I would tell you to absolutely GO FOR IT! After we adopted our twin boys, I was talking to my husband, and told him I had always wanted to be a nurse. He told me to go for it, that he would do anything he could to help me get thru school. I was able to quit my full-time job and and started going to school full-time last year. I am now in my second year of my pre-reqs. I am so glad that I decided to go back and get my nursing degree. It has not been as hard as I thought it was going to be. The school helps out with Grants for daycare, because I go full time, So we only have to pay a portion of the daycare expeses.
    I was very lucky to have a fully supportive husband and my older children have had to step in and help also, when I really need to study for a test.... but Going back to school has been a wonderful experience for me. I really hope you decide to go for it and that you suceed in everything you do.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i have no idea is this is something you would be interested in or not, but how about becoming a doula? it doesn't require full time schooling to become certified - you can check out the certification process here. just throwing it out there.

    i agree with PPs though - you'll find a way to make it work whatever you decide to pursue. GL!
  5. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    I was actually in school taking my nursing pre-req's when we got pregnant. We could not afford day care for twins, so I had to change plans. I am now in school full time finishing my business degree - but I do this from home (except some tests have to be proctored). I just study during naps and as soon as they go to bed. I'm busy but I am really enjoying it! I also say go for it!!
  6. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    I am returning to school in January [winter quarter]. Going to start slowly as I have been out of school for 5 years. It is possible! And if you have your family's support it makes it that much more attainable! Go for it [​IMG]
  7. TXCowboys

    TXCowboys Member


    My hubby is going back to finish up his Finance Degree, while still working full-time. I'm totally supporting him and I take on the boys on my own the nights that he is at school. I'm working 3 days a week so he takes the boys on those nights. We have a nanny who is so wonderful with all our juggling around of schedules. We just make it work and it will be better in the long run.
    Good for you! Medical field is great to be in. You go for it!!
  8. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    I went back to school this summer to finish my bachelor's degree. I also work full time. It does take a lot of juggling and I feel terrible on school nights because I go straight to school from work, so I only see the twins for an hour in the morning. I just keep thinking this is for the greater good. It is going to take me another 3 years because a lot of time has passed since I had stopped going and my program closed, so I need to take some extra classes. If you try your best to organize your time you can do it. I also have a very supportive husband who helps with the chores, so I can focus on school.

    I have friends who went back to school for nursing and love it. They love the shift flexibility at the local hospitals, working 40 hours in 3 days or nights to spend days with their kids. I thought about it, but I have two herniated discs in my back so I couldn't physically do the job once I graduated. I stuck with accounting, which is what I have been doing for the past 18 years.
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