Anyone go away without the kids?? I leave tommorrow have MAJOR anxiety

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by firsttimer, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    DH and I leave for a seven day cruise tommorrow. I am so sad to leave DS and DD. I am SAHM and am rarely away from them. We planned this cruise in the middle of the sleepness nights (around month 2). They will be staying with each of the grandmothers 1/2 week. I know the break will be good, but I will definitely be wondering about them constantly [​IMG]. Please reassure me that they will have fun and I will too!
  2. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    DH and I leave for a seven day cruise tommorrow. I am so sad to leave DS and DD. I am SAHM and am rarely away from them. We planned this cruise in the middle of the sleepness nights (around month 2). They will be staying with each of the grandmothers 1/2 week. I know the break will be good, but I will definitely be wondering about them constantly [​IMG]. Please reassure me that they will have fun and I will too!
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Relax and have a great time! Try to think of it as great bonding time for the children with their grandparents. I think it is great for them to be able to spend some time together without the parents around. The grandparents will probably love every second and be soo thankful for the opportunity.

    Once you are there there is nothing that worrying can do to help so try to concentrate on the things you can control........such as having a great time and remembering what it is like to be a wife and partner as opposed to wife/mommy/housekeeper/taxi cab/chef etc etc. Enjoy some pampering and treasure every moment with your DH then when you return you will be a revived Mommy ready for the holidays and birthdays!
  4. JubenEZ

    JubenEZ Active Member

    Are you kidding??? I am jealous [​IMG]
    really, I know it is difficult... but you need to enjoy every minute... going to bed and getting up whenever you want, eating with out interruption, adult conversation... and you instead of dreading the end of a vacation you can look forward to returning to your little ones! They'll be fine!
  5. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by JubenEZ:
    Are you kidding??? I am jealous [​IMG]
    really, I know it is difficult... but you need to enjoy every minute... going to bed and getting up whenever you want, eating with out interruption, adult conversation... and you instead of dreading the end of a vacation you can look forward to returning to your little ones! They'll be fine!


    No doubt its going to be a sad moment when you have to leave them but go and enjoy yourself... You deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!

    HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Shanonlee

    Shanonlee Well-Known Member

    I did the EXACT same thing when i went on my honeymoon in the begining of October! I was SOOO scared to leave them as that was the first time i spent the night away from them (and it was for 7 days too) I was SO happy that i went and got that time away! I wont lie, i cried the whole way to the airport and DID miss them like crazy but i had a really good time (and so did the boys and their grandma's) My mom and my MIL both stayed at my house with them for the whole week and it worked out great for everyone. They even brought them to where they both work to show them off! [​IMG] And it was really cute, when i got home my mom gave me pictures she had taken of the boys everyday while we were gone! You WILL have fun even though right now you think you wont! My honeymoon was awesome but seeing my two little boys smiling at me when we got to the airport was the best feeling EVER! HAVE FUN!!! And pm me if you have any questions!
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I have and I had a GREAT TIME!! The key for me was that I knew they were in great hands and I didn't have to WORRY about them!! It was awesome!!!

    I like what Dianne said about remembering that you are also a wife/partner and giving your relationship some attention!!

    HAVE FUN!!!! [​IMG]
  8. TrickiWoo

    TrickiWoo Well-Known Member

    Friends of ours are getting married in Aruba at the end of May and DH and I just decided that we're going to go. It's only for a weekend but I was just thinking that by then I'll probably feel just like you do!
    Although right now if someone watches them while I run to the drugstore or the sandwich shop I feel like I'm on a vacation!!

    Have a great time on your cruise! Your babies will be with their grammies, the only other people in the world who love those babies as much as you do!! They'll have a great time! Grandmas are awesome!

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