Anyone feel like they never get enough of a break?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I am a SAHM who has full-time live-in help, but have a DH who travels a lot for work. I am not sure why I feel this way....I can take a whole 8hours off from caring for the kids, and then the next day when I am looking after them, I feel like I never had that day off....I find myself dreaming of my next break.
    I find myself enjoying them more now then I did when they were younger, so I am hoping that it just keeps getting better and better...but there is a part of my that is scared that it will stay the same and I will always be looking for my next break from the kids... ( I feel like a junkie or something...always waiting for my next fix!!)
  2. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    I think thats normal, and we all go through slumps. Personally for me, I know I get alot more breaks than many parents, and I take them for granted and am always just waiting on my next one. I stay home with mine all day, but I also have work to do from home...editing pictures, placing orders, etc...which seems easy enough, but it can get hectic. I am lucky enough to have my inlaws within walking distance...they play with the girls at least one afternoon a week for a couple of hours, so thats nice.
    I think it comes in phases, too...honestly, right now, my girls are in love with each other...they are each others bestfriends and play really well together. At your kids age, I imagine it requires alot more mommy supervised playtime...I barely remember that age, will get better and then worse again...but what you are feeling is totally normal!
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I hear you!! I can say that my girls are 15 months old now, and everyday it gets that much better and that much easier! I think it's healthy to take breaks, and allow yourself some "you" time! :hug:
  4. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    Yes, I know what you mean. I don't have live-in help, but my MIL is less than a mile away and watches the girls several times a week. I guess my issue is that b/c she is doing it as a favor, I always feel like I have to rush or take as little time away as possible. If she were paid help, I wouldn't feel bad about taking as much time as I want. So even though I get a lot more breaks than some people, I still feel like I can't really relax, knowing I should be getting home ASAP.
  5. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Do they walk yet? I found things drastically improved for us when Jack and Lily started walking.

    Also, I think what you are feeling is completely normal. I am fortunate to be home with the kids but I do also work a full time job from home. As much as I enjoy playing with them and hugging them all day, I do find myself counting the minutes until DH get home from work. Of course, then he does get home and it really is not much different :)!!!!
  6. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Yup i feel like that too. In the nearly 3 years they have been alive granny has had them to stay twice over night and that was grudged. My parents live 2 mins away and hardly ever help me at all. Now dont get me wrong i dont expect any one else to look after my kids (except dh 2b of course!) but a bit of us time without worrying that we have to get up at 6 the next day would be great. I have them all day and then go to work 5 nights a week. So its all kids, work cleaning kids work cleaning lol i hardly get a minute to myself. Didnt mind so much when they were still napping as i got a little break but now they have given up on naps i have no time and feel like i am constantly getting whinged at!! Doesnt help that my children dont really get on at very well and i constantly get mummy jack annoy me ,mummy sophie annoy me and lots of screaming! Not fun to listen too!

    P.S i do love my children to bits but i want a long lie more than once a year!! x
  7. Marya

    Marya Well-Known Member

    My husband sometimes drive naps them on the weekend and lets me go shopping as a break and to get things done. I never have fun when I do this and am always sad towards the end of it - feel lost (usually end up shopping for the boys even if I went to get something for myself). I am sure a lot of moms feel the same way. My boys are now just past the 12 month mark and I have been with them pretty much 24/7 since birth...I don't think I know who I am w/o them anymore. I am hoping later in the year when I stop nursing it will get easier to take some time and feel like and individual again. That said it is getting easier with them and they are a lot of fun most of the time :) Can't imagine life w/o them.
  8. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I can completely relate. It has gotten better for us for a couple of reasons: 1. the boys are older and more communicative, 2. we spend less time together (8 hours apart per week), 3. my DP has begun to pitch in.

    For the first four months of the boys' life, my DP didn't know what to do, so she did... nothing! Nothing at all to care for the babies. She was afraid of hurting them, she didn't understand them. It was awful. We've since work all of that out. However, I think that period of being with them 24/7 without EVER getting a break (she watched them twice for 2-3 hours each time in those entire 4 months) really took its toll on me and it's harder to recover than it is to just stay in a healthy place, you know? I find that it may only take one hour away from them on a regular (not daily) basis to help me feel refreshed and rejuvenated, but if I don't get that, I have a much harder time bouncing back when I finally DO get a break.

    Please know that you are totally normal... we as parents love and adore our children so tremendously much, but loving them and caring for them is often hard work, too! Try to take care of yourself and find the balance that makes you ALL feel good! :)
  9. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I know exactly how you feel. And I'm afraid I'm not much help. My twins are 4 years old!
    I think it's a personality thing. Some of us just don't take to motherhood like others do.
    The only advice I can give is try not to obsess about it. Do the best you can with what you have. The kids grow up fast so try to really enjoy the time who have with them, as they are always changing and motherhood's challenges are always changing. Try to focus on the moment, whether it's a "time off for you" moment or "time on with them" moment. :hug:
  10. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    um, yes, I know EXACTLY how you feel but the only difference is I really DON'T get much of a break....ever. I don't have any help and my DH does travel a lot for work as well. My only real break is when they nap (which didn't happen at all yesterday and today which was only 45 min because they are terrible nappers) and in the evening when they go to bed. During the day I find myself wishing bedtime would get here quick so I could have a few hours of peace. I love my boys but some me time would be nice. I know this cold weather and not being able to get out much makes my need for a break even worse!
  11. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    every day.

    i adore my kids, but they exhaust me - physically & emotionally. i made the mistake of taking care of them 24/7 for the 1.5 yrs with very little help. i burned out. now i can't get enough of a break. my body and brain crave more quiet time.

    we have zero family around. so it's just us. daycare/preschool is the only relief. and it's wonderful. but very expensive! and then i feel guilty about it. but my health conditions require me to get rest/down time.

    btw - for me it has gotten better. i like the preschool phase. communication is wonderful!
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