Anyone ever have this happen?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by iluvpugs44109, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. iluvpugs44109

    iluvpugs44109 Well-Known Member

    My 3 y/o just won't use the potty. I really try to not force her but she's had her own potty since she was about 20 months old. She'd play with it until she was ready to sit on it. When, without a diaper at about 2 1/2, she peed a few times and that was it. Well, today I decided to let's try it since I'm getting some peer pressure from my family. I decided to put her in panties and put her potty beside me and give her all the juice she wants. Her first panties she peed a little. I said "it's okay, let's put on another pair and let's not pee on the mermaid", like I usually do (but it never worked). Well after awhile of putting her on the potty every 30 minutes she wanted to use the big potty with her Dora adjusted seat. She sat there for 30 seconds and said her chest hurt (meaning her girlie area) I thought nothing of it and then she got off, still no pee (hmmm, how could she not need to pee?). We then went back to her little potty and she kept saying it hurt down there. So now I'm concerned. What do you mean honey? So I put her up like I was going to put her diaper on and I can see that she has some pee dripping so I hurry to put her on her potty and say "go honey, you have to pee, let it out". I pressed on her belly where her bladder would be and she freaked out!!! She would not let her pee out and it was hurting her because her bladder was so full. I asked her if she wanted a diaper and she said YEEEEESS! So I hurried and put it on. I held her and we were both crying because she was so upset from it hurting. I said go ahead and pee honey and finally after about 2 minutes I could feel her diaper get warm and then she was all better. Obviously she is not ready....but why would she hold her pee like that? I've never heard of that. Two weeks ago I tried this and she was peeing all over the place. I'm so confused and worried about her. What would you do? Is this normal???

    Sorry for the long post and thanks!!!
  2. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    Have you tried any of the potty training DVDs? We used Potty Power and it worked like a charm. I used to make them sit on the potty chair while they watched it and eventually they started going in it. I then moved the potty chair back to the bathroom and have not had a problem since.

    I remember Audrey doing something similar to your dd her very first day of potty training. I dropping the training for a week and then trying again without any problems the 2nd time. She may not be ready yet. Good luck :hug99:
  3. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    It may be very scary for her to let it go. It is something that is new and different. We love the Elmo video Elmo's Potty time (or something like that)
    There are lots of books. What about sticker charts? Lots of naked time?
    You can also make a big deal out of yourself using the toilet and see if she wants to do big things like mommy.
    There are lots of books and things out there to help. Your library is a great place to check first!
    Good luck, and tell your family to butt out!
  4. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    It sounds like she has the control but she isn't there yet mentally. I loved Potty Time with Bear, that was our training video. Maybe something like that would help her relax and not feel so upset about using the potty.
  5. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    Is it possible she has a bladder infection?? Maybe check with your pediatrician just in case?

  6. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you are having a rough time. Many hugs to you!

    My suggestion would be to talk to the doc. office and tell them that she is having a hard time going to the bathroom. Maybe she has a yeast infection or something else that makes it uncomfortable to go potty.

    Also, it sounds like she just needs a little more time. She just had two babies come into her world. She probably is still trying to get used to them.

    Another thing, are you giving her rewards when she goes potty in the toilet? What motivation are you giving her (If you go potty in the toilet you get...,or if you stay clean until daddy comes home you get...) Also, my SIL suggested with my son to make a big deal about when they are dry and having the child identify when they are dry.

    I HTH! Potty Training can be a very stressful time for both the parents and the child.
  7. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sorry you both are so upset. I would check with the doc just to rule out any physical issues. Then, know she obviously has control and is able to learn it. You need to find a positive reinforcement that is going to work for her. My oldest was fine with stickers, my second needed nothing but clapping, my 3rd had to get m and m's. Each child is different. You'll both figure it out! Hang in there, and cry here anytime you need to!
  8. 1+2=3boys

    1+2=3boys Active Member

    My 3yr old DS is close to fully potty trained, but last week he had a major meltdown and wouldn't use the potty. He's still in a diaper at night, and in the morning, he usually asks to use the potty. So one morning, I take his diaper off and take him to the potty. He refused to go, didn't want underpants, and wanted a diaper. He freaked, so finally I gave up and got a clean diaper. He had another fit... didn't want the clean one, he wanted the dirty one, which I had already thrown out into the trash can outside... but I wouldn't have put that back on him anyway! So, he rips the clean diaper off. I could tell he had to pee really bad and kept trying different ways to get him to pee in the toilet (standing, sitting, seat up, seat down) NOTHING. I finally gave him an ultamatum (don't remember exactly what it was) and he let loose like a firehose! Right after he went, he said with a smile 'I'm happy now Mommy!' I still don't know why he was holding it. For some reason only a 3 yr old knows, he only wanted to pee in his dirty diaper. :rolleyes:

    That hasn't happened again. Now, though, I just ask him if he wants to go potty in the morning, and if he says no I just tell him to let me know when he's ready and he stays in his diaper until then. I just pray that he goes before we need to get dressed to go anywhere!

    Although, good idea by pp to check for UTI.

    good luck
  9. Dani J.

    Dani J. Well-Known Member

    Was she crying when she peed in her diaper? if so, you need to make sure she doesn't have a UTI. My DD had one last year and she would scream holy **** when she peed. It was awful!

    Hope it was just a fluke though!
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