anyone else's babies put themselves in time-out?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lovelylily, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if time-out is working as an effective discipline in this house. First we did time-outs in the cribs, but they seemed to forget what they were in time-out for on the way back to their room. So we set up a pack and play in the livingroom. I knew that wasn't working when Abby did something she knew was naughty, then ran over to the pack and play and said "up" :rolleyes: I'm glad that they seem to be at least making the cause and effect connection, but aren't they supposed to not want to be in time-out on some level? Anyhow, next I set a bench like thing against the wall in the entryway to the livingroom that we don't use. That seemed highly effective, they didn't love it, but they sat there for their 2 minutes with minimal protest and it seems to keep relative order. We've been doing that for about four days, but for some reason today I'm having issues. I put Ethan in time-out for repeated toy stealing (we are trying 123 magic). After I let him down, I walked out of the room to put something away. When I came back, he had put himself back into time-out and was looking at me with a guilty expression. I don't get it? Does anyone else's kids seem to LIKE being in time-out? Is it ok for them to like it? Discipline is so freaking confusing sometimes.
  2. baby2hughes

    baby2hughes Well-Known Member

    My girls are into time-outs too. They recently started to rip the wall paper border in the kitchen. We are doing time outs for that. Well the other girl will see her sister on time out, go tear her own piece of wallpaper off and bring it to us so she can also get a time out. One day I said to stop doing X or you’ll get a time out and she immediately went to sit against the wall. I told her she could get up b/c she wasn’t on time out. It is so cute but discouraging when you are trying to enforce discipline. Just got the 1-2-3 magic book in the mail but need time to read it. Good Luck, it is challenging!
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    well... maybe it is effective? though like you said, it doesn't seem like it should be something they like to do. but they are removing themselves from the situation!! I need to work harder on finding a good spot for ours to sit. TOs are disastrous right now.
  4. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Totally understand your frustration!! For example, we don't allow them to touch the oven...I would say, "no touching the oven," and then carry/walk them over to the corner for a time-out. Pretty soon it became a game, and DD would run from the other room, touch the oven, and then run to the corner and sit herself in time-out <_<

    I don't have an answer...just sympathy!
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I think it's working! I think the bench idea is great and would stick to it :) I have one that very rarely goes to time out because he stops at 1, well my dd on the other hand gets to 3 and then says "time out time" :rolleyes: I just try to be consistent and stick with the 123 magic.
    What's funny is when she gets out of time out and Jake will walk over, sit in the spot and do this fake cry and get up, it totally cracks me up.
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