Anyone else with no nappers, early bedtimers?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So the boys were always good nappers ( 2 2hour naps) well around 9 months the morning nap grew shorter, more like 1hr, which was fine...I was hoping they would drop that nap and take a longer afternoon nap. Well here we are 2 months later and now that nap is shorter as well. So we have 2 naps ranging from 45mins-1.5hrs if I'm lucky!!! They are the same on my workdays at daycare. They go to bed at 6p, sometimes earlier if naps are really craptastic (tonight was 530p), and they will sleep until 7a on my days off and we wake them at 6a on my workdays. So they sleep well at night to be well rested and they are not cranky.
    I really think we are heading in the direction of as they get older dropping ALL naps and just going to bed early. Anyone else in this boat? Maybe I'm wrong, I hope anyways bc I'm worn out that I sooo look forward to afternoon naptime!
  2. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Wow I don't know what to say here! I can only imagine how frustrating this must be (no nap for them and no break for you!!!) :headbang: Mine are 17 1/2 months and take one nap and that nap lasts anywhere from 1-2 1/2 hours. They definitely need that nap as they get super tired by late morning. Do your little ones show any tired signs during the day? I'm guessing you have tried napping them then...I think at 11-months that's awfully young to drop napping all-together (I realize its them who are not napping here!) Wish I could be more helpful...definitely interested in what others have to say!
  3. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Are you still on 2 naps?

    I would suggest pushing the morning nap later and later if possible and keeping with the earlier bedtime until the morning nap becomes an afternoon nap and then hopefully you can have a bit of a later beditme (like 7-7:30).

    I think they are a bit young to not nap so I hope you are able to figure something out!! I read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child and it really helped us figure out naps. Good Luck!
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I would not drop all naps but I would drop the morning nap. When my boys turned a year, we went to one nap. I had one talking/playing during the morning nap and the other doing the same in the afternoon. Once I moved the moring nap to 11:00 that's when I dropped the afternoon nap.

    The average one year old needs 14 hours of sleep a day. Some kids needs less, some more.
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Any reason why you're thinking of dropping naps altogether instead of getting them down to one nap? At that age they really need 14 hours of sleep or more.
  6. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No I'm not thinking of dropping naps....I think they will. I put them down when they are tired but they never sleep longer than 1hr in the morning or 1.5hr in the afternoon. I have tried putting them down later in the morning and that is a disaster! I have tried CIO when they wake up to see if they sleep longer..No. It is frustrating however they are sleeping 13hrs at night and 2 during the day so they are still sleeping above the 14hrs a 1y/o needs. They are well rested and don't seem cranky, they do sleep when they are tired...its just not for a long period of time. Which is why I'm thinking they are just not going to nap and go to bed early. However as they get older I know they could easily switch it up on me;) I just wondered if anyone else had kids who dropped all naps and went to bed early.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think I would turn into sobbing mess if mine completely dropped naps right now. However, for their age they are taking good two once they went past 12 months were sleeping about 1.5 hours in the am anywhere from 1-2 hours in the PM. Eventually around 15-16 months, they stopped the morning nap on their own and now just take an afternoon nap of 2-3 hours. Before giving up on naps completely, I would see how they do on one nap a day, you might find that they might take a longer nap.
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I've never heard of a 1 year old dropping naps until they are closer to 2... lots of kids still nap at 3 too. Try to switch to one nap and they'll surprise you - what you're going through is totally normal and a sign that they're ready to switch to one nap.
  9. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How do I cut out the a.m. nap when they seem tired? Just keep them busy and offer a snack? <--they love eating! Also what time should I push it back to? Right now they wake at 7 and go down around 9a. Their afternoon nap is around 1p.m.

  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I waited until they stopped taking the AM nap and then I pushed up the afternoon nap an hour. If you want to stop the AM nap, people on here have recommended starting to push it back in 15-30 minute increments. Good luck with your decision!

    PS: from the SY Toddler Guidebook, some people's experiences switching to one nap

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