anyone else think this is hard?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AimeeS, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    I hate to complain. We're so excited about the new baby. But I'm having a really hard time now that it's hot and I have 7 weeks to go. The twins are just go go go and my patience is low and I feel like a terrible Mom. They're wonderful girls I just feel like it's so hard right now. Can someone tell me it's going to get better???
  2. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    :hug: :hug: :hug:

    I still have a ways to go and my two are a bit younger, but I am finding things ummmmm...more challenging! I find that with me being tired and all and the kids so full of energy that I feel bad that I can not keep up with them! I am not sure how I am going to manage near the end of the pregnancy!

    You are definately not alone :) Hang in there!!!!
  3. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I am alot of weeks behind you but, you're not alone!
    I am already having issues with patience and not being able to play as much on the floor with them as I use to due to my back hurting and being just uncomfortable.
    Hang in there you don't have much longer to meet you newest addition :)
    Take Care!
  4. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    This is why I'm soooo glad I will have a 6.5 year old in the house by the end of this pregnancy. She can totally pitch in and help out with my toddler and the twins, who will be not quite 5. One advantage to my homeschooling is that she's still home during the day and loves being a big sister!! It is hard though. I haven't had to do a pregnancy where I'm that far along in the heat of the summer, but I imagine that i would probably be inside a lot more than normal. Do you have any single girlfriends or maybe friends with one child who is a bit older that you could do playdates with?... I'm just thinking how you might scrounge some help. I enjoy pool time with my kids... it's a lot of work getting them to the pool, but once we are there the water is relaxing, and the activity conks them out for bedtime. ... maybe set up a sprinkler out back if you can't do the pool... then you could cool off while sitting in a chair, and the twins could have fun running though it... The only other thing I can think of is to just set a good schedule and anticipate their needs...this way you minimize how frequently you have to get up and down to fetch things for them.
  5. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    i am feeling the same way, i am normally so pacient but now i feel like i get upset so much quicker with the kids and hubby and than feel bad cause that is so not me.
    i am hoping it gets better once i have this little one. good luck to all of us :)
  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I'm due the week before you and I can sympathize! Some days my patience is really low, especially since I have major pregnancy insomnia and feel like I'm not sleeping much!
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