Anyone else take their potties everywhere?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by koozie, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    We are only on our 3rd day of underwear, and so far they will pee & poop on their potties - YAY! But no where else. Outside of the house they just hold it or wet/poop their pants. They WILL NOT go on another toilet, even if I bring the toilet ring.
    So tonight I took their potties to T-Ball (left them in the car) and after T-Ball they both pee'd in them right there on the sidewalk. :))))
    So I was just curious if anyone else had to do this for a while. If it works, I don't mind too much. It adds another 5 minutes to the packing of the car, but that's A-ok.
  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    yes! Our baby bjorn stays in our trunk and we put them in there if they need to go and bring a bag to empty it into. It has been needed plenty of times! I think it is hilarious to see them on there right there in the trunk (minivan). On the Fourth of July, we went to see local fireworks and used the stroller to get there. I brought the bowl part with us incase they needed to go.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    If it works, go for it! :good: We keep a potty in our car as well. Mine do use any toilets but to be honest, these I know are clean. :bad: Plus it beats trying to find a bathroom when on the road. :good:
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Count me as one that kept one in my van at all times! Sarah was terrified of public pottys, so it was either carry one or have accidents every where we went. It lasted forever...8 months for us...she just got over her fear this month. I still have one in the van just because she still gets a little scared if the toilet doesn't look just right :rolleyes: but so far she hasn't needed it. I am fixing to chuck it right up into the attic!
  5. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Our potty is in the van and we use it for almost every outting! I can't imagine NOT having it!
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My SIL brought hers along with her but we never did. The kids did just fine in the public ones. The weekend after we started potty training was a big fair that we went to. DH wanted to put them in diapers. I squashed that idea. He spent time in quite a few bathrooms but no wet pants!
  7. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    I kept a potty in my van for a long time. It is just easier to use that in a parking lot then unload all 3 to go into some public bathroom.
  8. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Yep, I was another one who took the potties with me in the beginning (well, with the girls...I didn't with the boys, they can go anywhere).
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Yup! I take it even one step further. My sitter and I both bring it with us when we take the stroller too. So far Meara has peed at multiple parks, beaches and parking lots! And we just started training two weeks ago :)
  10. hopewait

    hopewait Well-Known Member

    Yes, we have one in the back of our mini van. Mine will use the bathrooms in pubic places but it is very helpful when I have just finished loading all the groceries in the car and strapped everyone in when one of them says I have to go pee pee. Or when we are driving down the road. We are about 2 months in to being potty trained. I can't imagine not having it back there.
  11. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yep, I still have one in the car. Never had a problem with being afraid of public restrooms, but the problem has been the restroom is too far away, or there just isn't one, or it's locked (happens frequently at the parks/playgrounds around here). We also travel a lot of country roads where there is no gas station or fast food place to stop and go potty. I put a plastic grocery bag in the bucket part of the potty, so then I can just take the bag out and throw it away.
  12. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Interesting! I have a fold-up one that goes on top of a regular potty seat and that has been a lifesaver but I never thought about putting a little potty in the van. We actually don't use those - but now I just might go get one tomorrow. I've had to do the unbuckle all three and drag them back inside thing more than once but it never dawned on me to bring my own. DUH!!
  13. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    We still keep one in the van and mine are completely PT'd and have been for about a year now. I can't imagine not having it. I skeeve the public restrooms since they are just tall enough to go standing so I like to let them go in the car before we go inside a mall, park, etc. Just the other day we picked my SD up from camp and one of the boys had to go, we were about an hour away from home and he was able to go in the potty instead of holding it or having an accident.
  14. Hathoo

    Hathoo Member

    I read the topic of this thread to my husband and he just laughed! Where DON'T we go without a potty! My girls have peed/pooped just about everywhere, including the side of the highway several times! (we've only been PTing a little over a month!) I bought one of these:

    total life can take it anywhere and it doesn't look like you're dragging around a potty! My girls are also afraid of public toilets, but I just set this up in a handicap stall and away they "go"! :D
  15. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    My girls have been potty trained for a year now and I have always carried a Bjorn little potty seat in the car. I have a bag, with the seat, toilet papaer, paper towels and plastic grocery store bags to line the seat with so that I can just pick it all up and throw it out.

    I do have a fold up potty ring that I also carry everywhere and they are not afraid of going on puplic toilets but they don't like the loud flushing. They are scared of the toilet flushing on it's own so I also carry a pad of post it's to cover the sensor with.
  16. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I used to do that too!! They eventually get over the pottying in other places thing! don't worry!!

    I used to put a no longer needed diaper in the bowl of the potty seat and then I could just wrap it up and throw it away (this was on the go only, at home - no diaper) and didn't have to deal with the clean up or mess of the potty in the bowl!! :banana:
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