anyone else sort of dread

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ddancerd1, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    whenever there's a family event, the twins end up the center of attention. it comes with the territory, i know, but... like today, it's BIL's wedding, and the girls are gonna be flower girls, and there won't be a chance for a nap at anytime (unless i drive around for about an hour). so, of course, by 4-ish they will be little terrors. and it's not like one kid tantruming, big deal. it's identical twins both tantruming in surround sound. and i can FEEL what people are thinking, "oh poor mom... she certainly DOES have her hands full..."
    just had to vent a little before the shananagins begin!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Maybe they will surprise you. Have a nice time at the wedding and post some pix of your lil flower girls. Oh and who cares what anyone else thinks? :hug:
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Danielle, I hope they surprise you and are great today. :hug: I know what you mean about what people are thinking...but I wouldn't worry about what they are thinking and have a good time! Post pictures, I bet the girls will look so beautiful!
  4. naomi2

    naomi2 Active Member

    I definitely know what you mean--especially since my boys (now aged 23 months) had major stranger anxiety. We had to go to a family get-together a few months ago, and I dreaded it for days--knowing we would garner some attention and worrying that they would be crying the whole time. I was pleasantly surprised--they were clingy for 10 minutes, and then they played. Now, they still do cry when they see someone they don't know, but they seem to get over it faster. Anyway, good luck and hope your little ones pleasantly surprised you too!!!! Naomi
  5. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    I totally understand this...especially when they miss their naps! I just go with the flow, and if they get cranky, oh your best! I even get comments as to why they get tired or cranky...people don't understand that it's just more difficult with twins! Hang in there...I've noticed each outing being a bit better than the one before.
  6. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    I hope it went better than expected for you. I always expect the worst and hope for the best. We are driving to Indiana for a reunion next weekend with DH's family. I am anticipating two days of my own personal exhausted stressful version of hell. Sometimes they do very well though and surprise me.

    So how did it go for you today?
  7. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It depends on which side of the family the event is for! ;) In a way-yes I dread it because I know how dh's family is. I don't so much dread the boys behavior as I do the extended families behavior. What I mean is this...

    My boys christening...I knew this was going to happen-and it did. DH is from a large Italian family-we had 80 people at their christening. Not ONE family member-besides my sister and maybe mom, got to hold EITHER of the boys. I am dead serious. NOT ONE. My dh's family passed them around like they owned them. I was seething. PO'd. My sister lives in Boston so she doesn't get to see them often. Well she was holding one of the boys-I believe her GODSON...and dh's aunt comes over to my sister and goes, "Can I have him? You can see him all the time!" WHAT?!?!?! I was furious. As was my sister....

    Anyways...So I dread the family more than the boys! I've found they've always been pretty good at these family functions. They've also done relatively well with no naps-which is only when we've gone to my brothers house.

    I'll tell you what though. August 15th, dh's cousin is getting married. The ceremony doesn't start until 6:15pm(will be short though-15 minutes or so). Boys usually go to bed at 7pm. Not that night! We will probably stay til about 9 and then go home. I'm hoping they take an early nap or something... And the NEXT day?? Yeah-that would be Annabella's Christening-at 1pm-which is their naptime. I'll for sure let you know how this is all going to play out!

    As for the attention, I'm looking forward to the wedding because I got all three kids matching outfits! I can't wait to get them all dressed!! :)

    I hope things went well today and can't wait to hear about it(and know what I am in for in a couple of weeks...)!
  8. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I hope everything went great! I do completely understand your frustrations. Whenever we have an event, I still try to get a car nap in for the boys. Often, I find that the excitement of a new environment and new people to interact with bodes well for their behavior... but not always!

    Let us know how everything went!
  9. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I hope that everything went great and we want to see pictures :)
    I understand and hate family events! DH has a large family and the twins have 15 cousins so, it's total madness when we go to the in-laws. Also the house is not child proof so, I'm always saying no,no,no to kitchen cabinets,etc.
  10. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    thanks, all!
    well, the girls took 20 minute naps in the car, while i drove thru subdivisions looking at pretty homes :p
    our wedding ceremonies last about an hour (sometimes longer), so we spent most of it outside. they did an okay job walking down the aisle (i had to walk behind them cuz marina kept trying to see everyone in the pews (( my social butterfly)) ).
    they got LOTS of chocolate milk yesterday lol!
    i had to bring their dinners cuz i knew dinner wouldn't be served in time and they'd be hungry. so i let them eat their cheese sandwhiches with forks, their sliced peaches with their hands, whatever it was that made them happy and made them eat.
    oh! and i also brought a small coloring book and crayons for them (which was also good for SIL's kids, who were sitting at our table and were bored)
    then i put them in their jammies, gave them their milk and went home around 8pm after dh's speech.
    i gotta say, they were much better than i thought they'd be!

    p.s. i'll get pictures up as soon as i can!
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :clapping: Way to go Momma and girls!!! Can't wait to see pictures! I am so happy that everything went well for all of you yesterday!

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