Anyone else scared to get started?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Inlowtwins, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    My oldest DD was potty trained when she was the age the twins are and quite frankly I haven't even began to get started with them. She is actually more ready than I am. Last week at the grocery store my oldest threw in some Skittles and said "Mommy, we really need to get on with this potty training". It seems really overwhelming with two. Last night Caroline stood up in the bathtub and said she needed to pee pee. Lo and behold she started to go. So... I'm thinking I should probably start, but I'm scared!! Did you train both at once or one at a time?
  2. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    YES! I'm really scared too! My son was easy easy easy! I just know the girls will be the opposite...everything else has been!
  3. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    I definitely recommend training them separately. I tried two at once, and I ended up so overwhelmed and up to my elbows in pee that it drove me crazy. Not to mention the fighting over who sits on the potty first, who get's the treats when, etc. One at a time has it's challenges, like the jealousy issue, but I felt like that was much more containable than two at once.
  4. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    I was very scared to try potty training too. Since about 2yo Paige would go on the potty before a bath. Somewhere around October/November both the girls were waking up dry in the moring so I started putting them on when they woke up and they went. I then started them going before bedtime and naptime too. I finally decided to try full on potty training in February of this year and got toally overwhelmed and stopped after 2 days. They were not ready. So we continued with them going the way they were till they turned 3.

    About a week before they turned 3 I put them both in underwear and other than a few peepee accidents they are fine and it was so much less stressfull because they were ready. I am also giving 1 M&M as a reward for peepee on the potty. I still can't get them to poop in the potty but that will come in time. Their poopy reward is a new toy that is visiable to them in the bathroom. We talk about it and I know it will eventually kick in.
  5. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    YES!!! I keep putting it off saying I don't think they're ready yet, but its just as much that I'M not ready!! It seems like a very overwhelming and daunting task, especially with 2. Mine don't ever really go on the big potty, but when they do ask to go, they want to sit on the big potty (with their potty seat) and not the little potty. I just envision being in the bathroom with 1 and the other one getting into something in the other room, etc. Usually too, when 1 wants to go, the other one does too.
  6. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    YES! Just last week my mother was telling them how many changes this new year will bring (on their birthday) and when she got to "no more diapers" a cold terror ran through me :mellow: I'm not looking forward to it, AT ALL!!
  7. Phia713

    Phia713 Well-Known Member

    You are not the only one. I may try one of the girls this weekend to see how it goes.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yep add me to the list. I actually tried with Emilie last week for 3 days and decided to stop. I will try again in a few months. I want to have her trained before I start Trevor.
  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Oh God yes! I can't begin to imagine Pting the twins, esp. since my oldest was relatively easy! I just known its not going to be like that this time around!
  10. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Potty training the ONE thing that scared me most with the twins. So, big HUGS to you! When my twins were the age of yours (2.5), I probably could've trained then. They were ready, I was NOT! So, instead, I moved them to big girl beds and into a new room (this was 3 months before Olivia was due to arrive). That was a big enough adjustment, that I decided not to throw PT into the mix too. So, I waited until right before their 3rd birthday (so, probably around mid-June). It took probably a good 2-3 weeks, but they were really good with the potty, only a few accidents. It's not 6 weeks later and we've had only one accident in about 3 weeks now (it was on vacation, so I'm not really counting it) and we go out and about with undies (I have no more fears of that and it's AWESOME having them PT!!! I need to get a pedi or something with the $ I'm saving on NOT buying the twins' diapers! Now, they are still in pull-ups for naps/bedtime. They still take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon and sometimes they are dry, but more than often, they are soaked. I'm sure it will be awhile before we lose those nap/bed pull-ups.

    GOODLUCK to you!
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