Anyone else have late talkers?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gina_leigh, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    The babies were 14mths yesterday and we still don't have words consistently. (Or at all really.) They can say Mama and Dada, but don't. We think DS can say duck, but that's also hit or miss.

    At their 1 year check up our ped said that he usually looks for one or two words by their 15mth check-up. I just don't know if we'll really have that. It's starting to worry me because I know most everyone else has babies that know several words by now and actually use them.

    Who else has/had late talkers? When did they finally start talking?
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Ours were!! 18 months before they were saying anything significant. We started signing with them and that is when their language started taking off. Before that, hardly anything expcept for babbling to each other and occasionlly speaking to us. We seriously thought about getting them evaluated and we thought we would try one more thing. Sign language really was the thing for us that got them started.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At the 15 month check up "6 words" was asked as one of the milestones. I said "no" to that one - I don't think that each of my girls says 6 words yet. BUT, my answer to every other milestone was "yes" and babies do things in their own time! Are your babies reaching the other milestones?
    It crosses my mind sometimes about talking b/c my girls are communicating with each other even though we can't understand it they talk to each other all the time. But while that may delay it, I know eventually they are going to want to communicate with us and they'll start in their own time.
  4. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    At 15 months, he wasn't talking much yet. I kept an eye on him and gave him time to catch up by 18 month. And when he did it was only approx. 8 words he would repeatly. I felt it was time to get him check out through Early Intervention (EI). You don't need your pedi's referral to get an EI appt. You call EI and make an appt. They will evaluate your twins and let you know or give you insight on what to expect. It is very normal to have a late talker with 'boys'. I would keep a note pad on the side and write down all of the words he knows (count on how many he actually repeat the words).

    Remember this....going to an EI appt is NOT a bad thing but it does give you a huge relief knowing someone out there can assure you whether he is on track or need further help.

    For us they told me that my son does need speech therapy (ST) because at 18 month he was at level of 12 month. My daughter excel and she was told of being advance at 28 mos from their 18 month appt. She is still advancing much MORE now because the speech therapy come to our house. She let me know that my daughter is very advance for her age.

    I hope this helps!
  5. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    mine will say a new word correctly for a good few days, and then it just turns into "kaka" :rolleyes: they say mama all the time, but pretty much everything else is "kaka" now, they understand what i'm saying (if i say "bring mama your socks" they'll bring them to me, etc), so they UNDERSTAND a lot of words, but they are just calling everything "kaka" ... this is stating to concern me!
  6. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Mine are 15 months, they have been saying dada for awhile and just started with mama.
  7. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Get them checked by early intervention. It cant hurt! If they are fine GOOD. If they need help they will get it. My boys qualified for speech therapy at 18 months due to very few words. They had it weekly and are now graduating in June! They are at 4-5 year old for articulation which was the problem for them. It worked wonders. I cannot say enough for the SLPs.

    Good luck!
  8. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Ours only had about 2-3 at 18 months, and we did the EI eval- but they didn't qualify, but the ped wanted them evaluated by someone else, so we did, and starting at around 20 months, they have been going for therapy once a week. I've seen a huge difference! Joel will now repeat a good majority of what you say (or at least try to repeat- honestly he only gets about one sound per word, like "guh" for Tiger.) So I am pleased with the fact they are progressing. They're still behind the "charts" but I have faith they'll get there! We also started doing signs with them somewhere around a year old. They REALLY picked up on that, and now I have to really fight with them to use their "words" and not their "signs."
  9. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Who did you contact for EI?
    I did buy a book recently for teaching babies sign, but haven't started.

    They do understand a ton though. I can tell them it's time to go night-night and they walk to the stairs, wait for me to move the gate, and crawl up to their room. They understand, "Bring [whatever they have] to Momma." And they know to go to their high chairs when I say it's time for snack/lunch/dinner.
  10. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys are going to be 16 months next week and we have NO words. Am I concerned? Too be honest...not quite yet... They both understand EVERYTHING I say, and I mean EVERYTHING. That alone, calms my fears a bit. And they babble. A lot. If they weren't doing both of those, then I would be concerned. They communicate to us by pointing, etc. And when I give them things, etc, I make sure to say the word and say, "You try." Eventhough, I know as of yet they can't.

    Some kids are just late talkers. My uncle was three before he talked. He's a pathologist. My nephew was a bit over the age of 2 when he started. And once he did, I think it was practically sentences! My mom was also 3 before she talked.

    We do see the Dr at the end of this month, and I will be mentioning it. And I ditto a pp about EI. They are great. We've dealt with them for the boys when they were little, and wouldn't hesitate to again. Good luck!
  11. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    DS1 talked early.

    DS2, a singleton, had only 3 words at 22 months.

    The girls started at 25 and 27 months, and had ZERO words before that. But they could understand me and follow simple instructions, so I wasn't worried. Late talking runs in my family. My mother's brother and my father were both around 2.5 when they started to talk.

    All four of mine have advanced language skills now. They took their time getting started, but once they started, boy howdy!
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    At 18 months one of my girls only had 5 words, at 21 months, no new words. We called EI at that point and she started treatment.

    My other dd had about 25 words at 18 months (I don't remember how many at 15 months, not many at all).

    So you are definitely not alone.
  13. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Our Ped wanted 7 words by 18 months and we were just barely there. But I can tell you that at 2 they had a word explosion and wont stop talking now. I know its hard not to worry, but they will get there.
  14. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    My girls are a week shy of 15 months and I can't understand a word they say. Ever once in a while I can understand da da, but I am not convinced they are truely associating that with DH. They do jabber constantly, just not anything identifyable yet. I am not worried at this point.

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