Anyone else get rid of soothers just after age 2?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by CHJH, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My boys are 25 months. They love their soothers for bed, and Evan would have his all day if we let him. I am so tired of hearing Evan whine for his soother all day and arguing with him about soothies being for bedtime. I'd like to get rid of them altogether. But I'm worried this will impact naps and night time (James JUST started sleeping through the night!). Any suggestions or stories?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My dd loved her 'plugs.' She only had them at naptime/bedtimes from about 10 months on though. ONe day when she was almost three, she wasn't going down for a much needed nap, so after I warned her, I took away her plugs. That night I just couldn't think of one good reason to give them back! It worked. She asked for it for about 3 days but after that it was fine. The worry about how it was going to work was more stressful than it actually was. Good luck!
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We did it at 23 months. We put them in a box, send they were going to "new babies" and I took the box out to the car and drove to go "take them to the new babies" (really, I had a mom's night out, DH nicely took the first night with no binkies). He said it went pretty well. They were fussy, but no real screaming. They asked about them a few times, and we reminded them that they went to new babies. That was it! I thought it was going to be much worse.
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We took our sons away around 2 (well my sister started it when whe forgot to give it to him one night and we just went from there). I think it went a little easier since he only used it for nap and for bed. I would stick to that for a week and then maybe try to get rid of it. I asked the dr once when my girls were young and he said the way you can tell if they are ready at night to get rid of them is when they are sleeping and if they are actively sucking on them then they may still need them but if they are out of their mouths then they probably don't. With our girls before we totally had them throw them out around 19mths we would go in at night and pull them out of their mouths while they are sleeping. When I did this I noticed one of my daughters didn't really need it and the other needed hers a little more. When we finally got rid of them the one that needed it a little more took longer to accept that she wasn't getting hers back.

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