anyone else finding 20 months hard?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kerry1976, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    I'm having such a difficult time entertaining my twins. One likes crayons and drawing, the other doesn't. One likes books, the other doesn't care as much, etc. I'm finding it hard to do things that they both like. It's not easy being a SAHM trying to juggle all the housework and playing with kids and feeding them and making dinner for DH & I everyday. I think I'm just exhausted. I do get me time and I work on tuesdays so I get a break.

    Our backyard is too soggy at the moment for them to go out and play as we had new sod put down. I take them for walks and to the park but it's hard by myself to keep track of them as they run in different directions.

    I used to have a good routine going but it seems to have disappeared. What do you do all day with your 20-24 month olds???? HELP!
  2. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    it is hard!!! mine will be 21 months this month. i usually take them to playgroups, the library or the bookstore for storytime (yes, i am the crazy woman chasing her kids all over, but that is ok), the playground, the backyard. they keep themselves fairly busy at home w/ books, toys, etc. coloring and playdough usually only last minutes...but that is ok. playing in water is a big hit....water table, or just fill the sink and let them play....or some pans on the floor, let them splash.

    when taking them out....i will go to a large park...i can usually keep an eye on both, or a fenced in playground.

    good luck!
  3. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Over here isn't so bad but they were difficult when they turned 15 to 18 months. It drove me nut that I had to say NOOOO upteems times! And teaching them not to touch this or that, and etc. At age 20 months they finally GET it when Mommy says, No (but not perfectly). They signed and communicated with me when they feel frustrated and they have become more mature at times not always.

    But I better hear that it get better as they get older like everyone tell me!

    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  4. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    Just today I played a game with the girls while I was defrosting some ground beef in the microwave. I would chase them over the house and tickle them. Then I would run into the LR and hide by the wall and when they would come looking for me I would peek at them and tickle them again. They thought it was sooooo much fun! That's an idea...some type of silly game with them every once in awhile to get them to laugh a lot! Although, I too, find it hard sometimes to keep them entertained and get everything done. I sometimes make up a reason to get out of the house just for a change of scenery. Do you have a mom's group you can get together with or to start a playgroup? Do you have blocks? My two love playing with mega blocks or just the wooden ones. They play with those for a long time! I would maybe try a "schedule" and change toys with them every once in awhile throughout the day so they don't get bored. Also, if you know of something they play with a big chunk of time, bring them out when you need to get something done and see how that goes. Right now if I need something done, I'll ask the big kids to play with them and that's how I get something done. Or I'll just wait till nap time. GL! It'll get better as they get older! It goes by way too fast though!
  5. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    Doing better today! I went and bought a book on getting organized and bought a day planner to help. I was feeling so disorganized and overwhelmed. We gave up the paci's on saturday, they both slept through the night last night and for some reason they both seem so much more grown up!

    I have a plan in place to free up some time. For example, spend only one day doing major cleaning, once a week. Spend one day a week doing all the laundry. That way I only have to straighten up and do daily things like dishes. I can plan more time with the kids and playdates and anything else that comes up.

    Because I've done this my head already feels so much clearer and I feel so much happier already! DH has been a big help too, keeping me off the computer all weekend, I find it such a distraction! lol.
  6. gyzmotwins

    gyzmotwins Well-Known Member

    I think 20 months is was one of the hardest times for me... a stage I honestly do not miss! Don't worry, it gets a little better when they turn two. Until, good luck!

    Marta ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
  7. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I feel like they are getting worse at 20 months then they were earlier!!!! I'm guessing it's them becoming older and wanting something and the inability to communicate it. Yesterday was awful..they screamed and whined ALL DAY! I don't know if they were tired, hungry or not hungry and I was trying to feed them, or uncomfortable for some reason. I still don't know b/c today they are great!
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