Anyone else feel this way?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by staceyloraine, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    So my babes are 2 weeks shy of their first birthday & I feel like the last month or so has ramped up around here! They crawl so fast & are into everything! They are more self-entertaining & I love them feeding themselves but wow, things feel crazy sometimes. I know this also has a lot to do with their super wild sister who if just 12 months older. :)
  2. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member


    My babies turn 1 on September 3rd, and you are right, I feel like time flew and in the same time I wonder where are my little babies, because they look like kids already. They are crawling very fast all over the place, including up the stairs and I am not looking forward to them walking in 2 different directions at once, but I am sure it will happen in a month or so.

    I am impressed you are saying your babies are self feeding. We give ours cheerios and steamed baby carrots and pieces of avocado here and there, but we do that more like snacks, we still do spoon feeding for their meals. I wonder if I baby them too much, they are my first kids. So are you letting them self feed for everything they eat? It sounds so advanced to me.

    Also, how do they sleep lately? Vanessa is becoming horrible, but I am not sure if it's teething or she's ready to go to 1 nap. Starting last week, if she takes 2 naps a day she won't fall asleep untill 10-11 PM or if she only takes 1 nap - she's cranky towards the evening but then she sleeps at their regular bedtime - 8 PM. Max still takes his regular 2 naps a day most days. They each have only one tooth - and I am thinking maybe Vanessa's issue is related to teething also - I hope she gets over it soon.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Things definitely got crazy for us around that age. Our boys walked at 11.5 months, and quickly learned to run and climb and were absolutely into everything. Things are still crazy at 19 months, but now we have some basic communication, which makes a huge difference as far as their mood, etc.
  4. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    I do still spoon feed, don't get me wrong! I am trying to give them what we eat as much as possible but I'm also still using the baby food I have left. They eat cherrios & a banana almost every morning, self fed. They can do bread, pasta, veggies, melon (really ripe), & crackers really good. We even have them cut up pieces of homemade pizza last night & they ate it up! I was sort of surprised about that one. We tried jambalaya the other day (spoon fed) & it was just too spicy. One of mine also only had the 2 bottom teeth, but he eats the most!
    I'm trying more table
  5. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    I do still spoon feed, don't get me wrong! I am trying to give them what we eat as much as possible but I'm also still using the baby food I have left. They eat cherrios & a banana almost every morning, self fed. They can do bread, pasta, veggies, melon (really ripe), & crackers really good. We even have them cut up pieces of homemade pizza last night & they ate it up! I was sort of surprised about that one. We tried jambalaya the other day (spoon fed) & it was just too spicy. One of mine also only had the 2 bottom teeth, but he eats the most!
    I'm trying more table food for my sanity too. :) I'm so busy with them & my other 2, it feels like a break when we all eat together & they feed themselves.
    With sleep, they are still doing the 2 naps pretty good. I would hang in there with both naps even if she is falling asleep later in the evening. This could be a teething phase or another kind of phase & they can build new habits so quick. I just leave them in their cribs when they wake up or if they're playing when I put them down. Eventually they fall asleep. (i do check on them of they are really screaming, but that's not normal for them)
    My DD2 did drop her morning nap around 15 months. Before that I just shortened it to an hour and woke her up so she would sleep the other times. I like napping as long a possible! :)
    Hang in there!
  6. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    All I have to say is wait until they hit 18 months. It's like a switch gets turned on! It's fun (talking, interaction, independence) and CRAZY (whining, fighting, tearing the house apart)!!!!!!
  7. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for encouraging us BOST :).

    Have a nice day!
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