Anyone else ever just loose it?!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Becky444, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. Becky444

    Becky444 Well-Known Member

    So the kiddos whined all day about various things, including DH which didnt help things. The day ended with fighting over toothpaste and I had it! I sent them all to bed with out books, songs, anything. Zip! I dont try to have meltdowns very often but I had had it tonight!

    Maybe they will be angels tomorrow. :wacko:

    Tell me I'm not the only one, Please!
  2. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    O my goodness're not the only one. My two are 21 months and I was getting the girls ready for bed last night or the night before, and I had just cleaned up a lake that one of them had created from dumping water by the bucketful out of the bath tub. I was getting one lotioned up and ready on the bathroom counter while the other was still playing in the tub. I wasn't paying attention until my mind finally tuned into a strange noise of water hitting an already waterlogged towel. Anyway, like I said I had gotten it cleaned up and the offender was now getting lotioned and ready for bed while the other was getting into the drawer I keep the diaper cream in. I had very sternly told her to "Get out!" and here she was just trying to hand me the tube of diaper cream so I could put it on her sister. I felt horrible for snapping. I guess you just try to stay patient....don't pray for patience though.......God might just give you rotten children to be patient for! I instead ask God to help me be a good mommy. You're not horrible....we're just human. I suppose when you're on the verge of snapping again.....recognize it and take a deep breath. They're only this little once. I have to keep reminding myself that.
  3. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Nope, not the only one! :) But we did end on a good note since they did not take a nap... bedtime came at 7:30! Typically ours is around 9 or so.
  4. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I don't believe anyone who says they never had / have one ... ;)
  5. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Friday night, mine were put to bed at 6:50pm no stories..It had been a LOOOOOOOng day. Sat was much better.
  6. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Nope your certainly not the only one! Sometimes mine can be little terrors and just push my buttons! Lie the day Jack spent trying to push, kick , scratch and bite Sophie.I can not remember how many times he got dumped in his cot and left. I just had enough x
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    You are SO not alone. There are some nights that they are in bed by 7 because they are a mess. We've actually skipped brushing teeth a few times too because of it. :FIFblush: Not proud of it, but it is what it is. Usually the next day they are better because what they really needed was some good sleep. I hope today is better for you!
  8. finley3001

    finley3001 Member

    There's a great book I'm reading called She's Gonna Blow!: Real Help for Moms Dealing With Anger by Julie Ann Barnhill. I've laughed outloud at how much I can relate to the stories she shares. I highly recommend it for all moms of preschoolers who sometimes "blow!!" I'm so thankful for this post!
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :love0028: I don't have to tell you that I lose it sometimes! YOU already know and usually we end up on YOUR doorstep. FRANKLY, I'm RELIEVED to hear that you are, IN FACT, HUMAN and not SUPER HUMAN! PHEW!!! I figured you were just born with more patience than most and that you THEN inherited a bunch of OTHER people's patience. So you were just born with more but didn't steal from someone else!! :laughing:

    Don't worry about it too much. I know I always feel bad when I lose it with the kids, but then I try to tell them that Mommy shouldn't have yelled or whatever my worst offense was.

    Sometimes you are going to get sent to bed without books etc......that's LIFE!!! Make em' appreciate it more tonight!! :love0028:

    (for those who aren't lucky enough to know Becky like I am getting to know her - THIS IS REALLY RARE for her!! She's one of those people with the capacity to deal with MANY kids (who aren't even hers) all day long and still have a smile on her face at the end of it all!!)
  10. Dani J.

    Dani J. Well-Known Member

    you are definitely not alone. WHen whining is at an all time high around here, it usually equals an early bedtime :(
  11. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You are definitely not alone. We all do! This morning my whiny boy was trying my nerves. When I yelled, he started crying for doesn't help that daddy is working today (not a regular work day) and didn't come to a bday party with us mommy has been on duty non-stop and will be until next Saturday! :love0028:

    Read them an extra story tonight!
  12. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I feel like I've been cranky on a daily basis...part of it is feeling so helpless when it comes to getting rid of this horrible diaper rash and not pooping problem!! Whining and crying all day can only be dealt with for so long before just having to walk away..I too have put them to bed even earlier which I think is sometimes what they need. Lately I've been wondering what I got myself into and how will I possibly keep doing it..we all have been there. It's nice to know we are not the only ones.
  13. 2monkeez

    2monkeez Well-Known Member

    Oh! SO NOT ALONE!!!!!! Take a deep breath...tomorrow is always a better day!!! (at least the first five minutes anyway!!!!)

    It's good for the kiddies to see that Mom is human too!!!
  14. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    OMG am I glad to see this post tonight (I'm not glad about the bad day you had, though.) We had one of these today and luckily, I can say it's pretty rare.

    Let's see, my day in a nutshell:

    Daddy working all day Sat and Sun interviewing potential grad students. We went to a potluck for them last night, stayed until 9 (bedtime is 7:30). Babies were perfect angels there and right to bed when we got home. Little did I know they were saving it up for today.

    Day starts off well with DH letting me sleep until 8. That was the highlight, I guess. Both refused morning nap; jabbered for about an hour. Mommy does deep cleaning on floor only to have an entire sippy of milk dumped on it due to Mommy not tightening it enough. Cole got the coffee creamer out of the frig when I opened it for something. I don't notice and he spills this all over my clean floor. Cut to dinner and Amelia dumps her entire plate of chicken and rice all over the floor and proceeds to rub her dessert into her shirt.

    Attempt a trip to Sam's club. Both cry and whine the entire time, despite our best bribing with samples. Attempt play time after dinner, dual meltdowns. It's 6:30 here and I just gave up, put them both in their crib with no tooth brushing or stories. Asleep 5 minutes later. Whew! I need a glass of wine! Maybe after I clean the disaster of a house....
  15. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :icon_eek: You definately aren't alone. :hug99: I hope tomorrow they are angels, and give you a break. :hug99:
  16. Becky444

    Becky444 Well-Known Member

    You all are great! I need to read that book one was mentioning.

    My fit last night did have results though... bedtime prep was much much better for fear of loosing the sacred book time!

    Diane, you are too sweet! I love your children dearly! Honestly my kids are better when I have other children here!

    I just need to chill and not feel to bad for my fits! I would gladly go and sit on a "fit carpet" (sound familiar Diane?" :)
  17. Kimjas3

    Kimjas3 Well-Known Member

    I used to be religious on this forum when I was pregnant, now my boys are almost 3 and I think I need to re-connect! Some days my frustration is so high! Anyone out there have a "good kid/bad kid" set of twins?
  18. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I think I had one of those days recently. So, no, you are so NOT the only one! LOL

    I've found though, that when they're that whiney, my boys usually need more sleep. Sure enough, I can get them to bed almost an hour to 1 1/2 hour sooner and they crash!

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