Anyone else "Butt Naked?"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lrothrock1, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    This morning went to get the girls up and Brooke was butt naked and hands me her diaper. Luckily she only wet in her crib, I couldn't imagine if she had pooped! From your experience, once they figure out how to take off their clothes and diapers, do they continue? Is this something where I may need to tape her clothes together the night before?
  2. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    This morning went to get the girls up and Brooke was butt naked and hands me her diaper. Luckily she only wet in her crib, I couldn't imagine if she had pooped! From your experience, once they figure out how to take off their clothes and diapers, do they continue? Is this something where I may need to tape her clothes together the night before?
  3. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    My DD usually waited until the daiper was poopy to toss it on the floor!! I just was grateful she didn't "paint" or play with it before she threw it. It only seemed to happen for a couple of months. You might try 2 piece PJ's that she can't get off... or my daughter couldn't take off the zipp up kind if there was a snap at the top.
  4. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it started yesterday with Lauren. She took her diaper off twice. Once it was during nap. She wet the entire crib. This was right after I had given her a bath, too. I had to wash everything. I put the next diaper on backward, so she couldn't get the velcro undone.
  5. DeLana

    DeLana Well-Known Member

    Oh, yes - once they figured it out, we there was no turning back the clock. Here is what we tried:

    - Pull-on/training pants (diapers): expensive, don't hold as much, didn't really work either (they figured those out)

    - Diapers on backwards: self-defeating, they're not designed that way and will leak; they're also uncomfortable and binding

    Finally, we realized that we had to be very creative when dressing the twins. Best: overalls without snaps between the legs (you will start finding those from about size 18 on, although not many). You can put a onesie over other types of pants, followed by shorts.

    You have to be creative and try various things. I'm still hoping this phase will pass [​IMG]

    Good luck!

  6. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    Heather took her diaper off once and that was it. She's never done it since. Although she does sometimes pull at it when she's poopy, but she doesn't actually take it off. Guess you'll have to see how interested she is in this new-found skill! [​IMG]
  7. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    This just happened a couple days ago with Ethan (see my reply to "gotta love it" post) and yes, it was a poopy diaper! Ugh!!! The main thing I did was gave him absolutely NO REACTION. I just got him out, bathed him, put on a new diaper and a onesie, and then dealt with the crib. I didn't want him doing it again because of any reaction I gave him. He hasn't attempted it since, although he's not going to be napping in just a diaper anymore, to be safe.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Sarah started taking off her diaper lately. My husband found her in the bed as well, thank goodness it was just wet. As long as we keep pants or shorts on her she doesn't fool with the diaper. I don't know what we'll do when she discovers she can take her pants off to get to the diaper.
  9. Laura56

    Laura56 Well-Known Member

    Nicole and Danielle did that and still do it when they aren't pinned. Mom uses diaper pins to keep their clothes on so they can't take them off and get to the diaper. If she forgets them they will have everything off! They don't seem to want to grow out of it.
  10. Mom4Boys

    Mom4Boys Well-Known Member

    My boys were doing this a lot - with dirty diapers. David would do it first and then teach Sam what to do. We have solved the problem. We got the feet off footie PJ's and zip them up the back - problem solved.


    DS - Daniel 7/12/95
    DS - Andrew 8/13/97
    DS - David 10/14/04
    DS - Sam 10/14/04
  11. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    One in mine in particular LOVES to take her clothes off in the crib -- she is now sleeping exlusively in footie pajamas worn backwards! For naps, I haven't gone to any extremes yet because SO FAR at least she just takes off her clothes and leaves on the diaper. The thing with my two is that they don't just pull the shirts off over their heads -- half the time I come in and the shirt is around the waist where they've put their arms up through the neckhole, so the neck is all stretched out. So I don't think there is much of anything I can do to keep those on. [​IMG] They even do that with PJs sometimes! I have come in to find them with one or both arms up and out the neck, and those aren't particularly stretchy necks -- it seems very uncomfortable!

    Anyway, I'm just crossing my fingers that they keep leaving the diapers on!
  12. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    Mine do it all the time now, if given the chance. I walk in to find them naked and thinking it is a toy [​IMG] I found putting a t-shirt on over their sleepers is the best solution for us like was suggested in another post, since it was a MAJOR issue in our house. I was SO happy to find something that worked!

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