Anyone doing CIO

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by heather.anne.henderson, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    For any one doing CIO or has done it, do you let them cio every time they wake during the night?
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, but mine only woke up once or twice per night. If they were repeatedly waking up I'd have to go in and see what was going on.
  3. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Mine only wake once, if at all. I go to them, soothe them for a minute, and leave. If they are still crying after 15-20 minutes, we will go to them again, but we DO NOT pick them up. The first 2 nights were horrible (lots of crying). Since then, it's been much better.
  4. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Yup. Enless something else is going on. I also sneak my head in, no eye contact, no noise, just to make sure I can't smell a poopy butt, an arm isn't stuck, that kinda thing. But I don't let them see me and I make it quick.
  5. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    yes, we let them cry when they woke in the night. but they were much older than your two, are you sure that they aren't needing night feedings anymore? they seem a little young for CIO and may not have the skills/brain development to soothe themselves back to sleep.
  6. DayDreamin

    DayDreamin Well-Known Member

    For us, the answer is yes and no. We let them CIO when we first put them to bed... although I go in every 5-10 minutes to replace paci. I usually only have to do this once or twice - if at all. They both still have night feedings, so if it is time for them to eat - minimum 3 hours - then I will wait about 5 minutes to see if they are really wanting to eat, then get up and feed them. Sometimes they will sleep for another 30 min to an hour. If it has been less than 3 hours since their last feeding, then I let them CIO.
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    At three months I would absolutely feed them when they woke (past that three hour mark). If they woke before that, I'd do whatever I could to help them back to sleep. We used a very modifed CIO at 4 mos to help them learn to go to sleep on their own in the crib.
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    At three months we were still feeding every 3-4 hrs. Around 7 months the pedi gave us the okay that they were eating enough during the day and that nighttime feedings had just become habit. We did CIO then. Even in the middle of the night.
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