Anyone doing Baby Led Weaning (in terms of introducing solids)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MeredithMM, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Is anyone on the board trying a Baby Led Weaning approach to the introduction of solid foods?

    I am not talking about weaning in terms of weaning from the breast, but rather skipping the pureed baby foods and going straight to letting the baby feed themselves. I guess on the one hand it's a kind of new idea, but it's also a throw back to the days before purees and baby food companies, stages, etc.
    Here is a link with more information:

    My immediate thought was concern over the babies choking, but then I read more about it and see that because the baby grasps and puts the food into their own mouth (or more often smears it on their face--lol) the risk of choking is the same or less than if he/she were being fed purees with a spoon. The above link explains how the development of the baby's mouth/swallowing/gag reflex help prevents choking. Of course, you have to wait until the baby is at least 6 months old before doing this kind of thing because before that it would be unsafe.

    In a lot of instances the food never gets swallowed. But they do get to learn to feed themselves and experiment with different textures, flavors, etc. What I like best about it is that it's such a laid back approach, and the boys can eat at the same time we do. But it can be quite messy. lol.

    Anyway, I was wondering if there were any other twin moms out there trying this. I have been starting really slowly with it. I would love to hear stories from others who have experience with this.
  2. Miss Conception

    Miss Conception Well-Known Member

    We are doing a mix of BLW and pureed. So far the babies have had toast with hummus, steamed broccoli, banana biscuits, asparagus, bits of veggie sushi (mostly rice, avocado and seaweed), baked apples, plums, and whole wheat pasta. I love it and they love it too. They especially love holding the food and bringing it to their mouths on their own.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did not try that with mine, but I think I would have if I'd known about it. Or a modified version, anyway. I know when we started solids at 6 months, mine had no interest, so I think for at least a little while I would have had to feed them until they got the message that food comes in other ways other than just a bottle! It would have been a great idea for me though b/c I had two babies who really didn't like baby food and it caused some weight gain problems between 6 and 12 months. Once we got off baby food they got back on track.
  4. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    I read a little about it - but it just seems to be offering "finger foods" earlier, right?

    I'd be all for that approach!! I love when the babies are able to feed themselves. We offered finger foods as soon as they seemed ready at all, probably around 7 - 8 months, but we didn't start purees until around that time, too. We give them spoons and some mashed potatoes on their plates and let them go after it. They try and get a little.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't try that exactly, but with L&L the pureed stage was very short. I introduced finger foods to them much earlier than my other kids (mostly something to keep them occupied while we were eating) & once they learned to feed themselves there was no going back to pureed foods!
  6. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Momof4Angles---Yes, from what I understand it is basically just starting out with finger foods and letting them have a go at it. I have also been letting them try and spoon feed themselves. I just put a very tiny bit of avacado or mushed banana on the spoon and hand the spoon to them. They do pretty well with it...although they also wear a lot of it. haha.

    Two Kayaks---I have tried steamed broccoli too, and they seem to really like it. I do get kind of nervous just because my gut reaction is to worry about choking when they bite the little pieces off, but they seem to do really well with it and from everything I have read it's really safe because if the piece is too big the gag reflex will kick in. But I'm a worry wort. haha.

    How did you give them the baked apples and plums? Did you cut them up into slices? I would like to try that. What about the sushi? How did you give that? As a whole roll?
  7. Miss Conception

    Miss Conception Well-Known Member

    I worry about choking too, but since they are the ones taking bites, I trust that they won't take more than they can handle. I also only give them small pieces to bring to their mouths.
    With the baked apples and plums, I cute the pieces into julienne sizes and let them have at it. In terms of the sushi, we put the roll on their tray (we were out at a restaurant) and let them pick it apart and put bits into their mouths. Most of it ended up on their bibs, but the point is to experience choosing the foods and manipulating it; not necessarily eating it right now.
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