Anyone do preschool at 2yrs old?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    There is a preschool nearby that has a two year olds program. It is Tues and Thurs from 9-11. I spoke with the two year old teacher on the phone, it sounds like it would be really good for them. It is $105/month, 10% discount for the second child. There are only two more spots for the next school year (starts in Sept), so I need to decide quickly. I am going to go take a look at it and see a class in action next week.
    Just wondering if anyone else has done preschool this early? The girls will be two in August. Does the cost sound reasonable? I really have no idea how much preschool costs.
  2. greengirls

    greengirls Well-Known Member

    My girls will be three this month and they have been in preschool for the entire school year. I have to say that it has worked out really well for us. There is another set of twins in the class and they too have blossomed in the class. I say go for it the cost doesn't sound bad to me either. Think about how it compares to babysitting. Just use the time you have to run errands and it's well worth it in my opinion.
  3. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    My daughter went at that age. That price sounds about right. DD enjoyed it and learned how to play with others and to follow instructions (as much as any 2 year old can). It also helped a great deal when it came to potty training, as the teacher was excellent with the children about it.

    It would be a good break for you as well. [​IMG]
  4. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    Totally send them! Mine will be 2.5 in September and I can't wait until preschool starts. [​IMG] That price is great and those seem to be typical 2 yo preschool hours. We'll be starting at 2 days a week 9-11:30 and then increasing it up to 5 mornings a week if they boys really like it.
  5. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    Mine started at a mother's morning out in January (19 months old) and they are doing really well in it. It is 2 days a week for 3 1/2 hours. I am amazed at how much they have learned and how much they love playing with the other kids. They are going to go 3 days a week starting in September. And I think the price sounds right. We pay $130 each for ours.
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We have been doing a "Parent and Me" toddler class since they were 18 months old. The class is for 18-30 months olds and is 1 day a week for 3 hours. They LOVE it. I can't even drive by the school because they get upset if we don't turn! I can't wait until September when the do the Tues/Thurs class. If you have the opportunity I would do it. It is amazing how they grasp concepts, the structure and following directions so well. [​IMG]
  7. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    Hi Kelly - I signed my two up for a 2 day a week MMO program starting next sept. They'll go tues/ thurs from 9-12 - I think they'll really enjoy it and will get a lot from the social interaction and independence, although i'm expecting the first month to be traumatic drop offs [​IMG]. The age for the class is 18 months - 2 1/2 starting in Sept so I think there will be younger and older kids than them.
  8. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    We are currently doing preschool for 2 yo's. It's part of the PT, OT, and ST program they are in. It has been wonderful. We started with the playgroup and switched to the class just before their 2nd b'day. They are following instructions and love the routines. It's been great for them. A plus for me is that they have a one way window where I can watch them while they play and learn. It's great to see the techniques they use in class and to apply some of them at home.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear the price sounds right. I'm going to send in their registration ASAP.
    Yeah, I really could use the break too! [​IMG]
  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine started preschool this year. They were actually in the 1 year old class b/c of the way their bday falls, but were almost 2 when they started. So they went 1 day/week this year. This coming year they will go 2 days/week from 9:15 - 12:30. I highly suggest it! Mine love it and it really is nice to have some time to yourself too! Ours will be $95/month each for 2 days. It is a "learn through play" type preschool. They do a lot of painting, coloring, playing, storytime, singing, etc. Each month they have a color that they focus on, etc. but no real "teaching" per se. I would avoid anything that seems overly structured. HTH [​IMG]
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