Anyone dealing with gluten

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fancybeltran, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    I am starting to suspect that my daughter is allergic to gluten. Her eczema is the worst in her hair, genitals, back, neck, legs, ankles. Just everywhere and plus she has stop having an appetite. I do have a Rx for her eczema which me being a natural junkie just hate for her to be on something so strong. Plus along with that her sister has started to show the same signs except she is very small for her age of 3. Most people think she is 2 or just about to turn 2.
    Has anyone dealt with this!
  2. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I have dealt with this with my grandson .. but he didn't get eczema from the wheat. He did have some rashing on his diaper area and very weird poops. His poops were always loose and sort of "gritty". He had to go to a pediatric gastro and have an endoscopy to see if he was allergic .. but his mom is allergic to wheat so we already sort of had an idea. Now at 3 yrs old he is mostly gluten free (his mom is totally gluten free) but he hasn't shown any adverse reactions to wheat in a while. He is due for more testing.
    I would talk to the Dr about your concerns and get some testing done. It could be something more environmental .. my boys had bad eczema due to fleece and other types of material other than cotton.
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  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    BIg triggers for Eczema in diet is dairy. I would cut back on that before the gluten. You can have them tested. Do you have an allergist?
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  4. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    No Not and Allergist but everyone says that they cant tell you - that you are allergic to gluten just that you are allergic to something. You have to have a food diary and all that stuff.

    I have never had to deal with something bit. But I am stopping the dairy it is hard for them it is a comfort food thing. But I really apprepriate the advice.
  5. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    A gluten allergy is not actually an allergy. An allergist isn't the best doctor to diagnosis it. Celiac disease is an autoimmune response to gluten. The immune system attacks the site of the gluten, ie the GI tract. The little fingers in the small intestine that absorb food burn off. The person then essentially starves, even though they are eating, because the body cannot absorb the nutrients. Eczema is not a symptom of celiac disease.

    If you suspect a gluten intolerance because of slow growth or signs of malnutrition, then your ped can order a blood test for gluten. It actually fairly simple, although the blood draw is no fun. Your daughter has to be eating gluten for the test to be accurate. If you eliminate gluten, the test can't pick up the autoimmune response.
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