anybody know the REAL chances of having twins again?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cottoncandysky, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    i googled it and got a range of 1 in 5, to 1 in 12. anybody asked their doctor? dh and i were talking about it, if we would have more if there was a good chance of having twins again. lol i think if its a good chance i'll wait til theyre in pre-k to try again!
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not sure, but I thought I heard it was 1 in 9 if your twins are fraternal that you'd have twins again.
  3. jranae

    jranae Active Member

    I am not sure either but I do know that age can be a factor. I was 41 when I got pregnant with my twins, twins do not run in our familes and I was not on fertility medication. Being told there was "2" was the shock of our lives, a moment in the doctors office we will never forget......... :eek: I asked the doc how is this possible, I thought I would have a hard time getting pregnant because of my age and he said "statistically speaking" women in early child bearing years and women in late child bearing years have more twins than other ages groups. I had never heard that before. Would have been nice to know that BEFORE we started trying..... :)
  4. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    lol i guess im in the young range, just turned 23 when i got pregnant. maybe in 4 years i wont be as likely lol
  5. GenandThadsMom

    GenandThadsMom Well-Known Member

    I heard the stat is 1 in 9, but I have a friend that had one daughter then she had b/g twins, and then she had triplets!!!! No fertility treatments, needless to say she has her tubes tied now. GL! I would love to have another set of twins!
  6. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I believe that it is like 5% chance.. Don't Quote Me tho.
  7. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    I read 1 in 4 chance. Hmmm- might have to investigate this...
  8. ldsangel19

    ldsangel19 Well-Known Member

    I've always heard 1 in 5. Got nothing to back that up though.
  9. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    My peri told me 1 in 5, although I did not ask why or if those stats were unique to me (no family history, in my early 30s, etc.).
  10. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    Would it be crazy to want another set of twins? I think I would be a little sad for another baby if they didn't have an instant play mate. It has just been so cute watching them grow up together always having a friend around. They adore each other and I can't imagine it any other way.
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