Anybody have non-milk drinkers?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lbrooks, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,

    My two are really not interested in cold milk and I'm really not interested in warming their milk anymore. It's been about a week of me offering only cold milk and they won't drink a drop. I don't have an issue with it because I think dairy is completely non-essential in a human diet, but I'm wondering if there is a reason that I'm not aware of that they should be drinking milk. I serve them plenty of veggies and other sources of calcium and lot's of olive oil, avocado's and other good fats. They get some cheese here and there. They don't love yogurt, but I do put some in their smoothies. I guess they just won't be milk drinkers. Am I missing anything important in this?
  2. Marya

    Marya Well-Known Member

    I have offered it cold, warm & with a juice mix & they just spit it out. Mine are still nursing and they do like yogurt (not cheese) so I am not concerned. I just keep offering it every so often to see if they develop a taste.
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    If it makes you feel better mine done really like "regular milk" but will drink up some vanilla silk!
    Initially I was mixing the two, and slowly increasing the regular and decreaseing the silk but I guess they caught on so now we are back to just silk again.
    The only thing I like about milk over water is calories. DD needs them anyway I can get them in!

    ETA: Spelling!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    The only thing I can think of is that they need a source of Vitamin D. The American Academy of Pediatrics just (last fall) doubled their recommended daily amount:

    Mine didn't drink much milk as toddlers (they liked it, but would only drink a few ounces a day) and our ped said he wasn't concerned, but at our 3yr checkup he told us to give them a Vit D supplement.
  5. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Max has a milk allergy, so we do plain soy milk for the vitamins and nutrients. We don't do the flavored soy because sugar is the second ingredient. We are still doing 40% soy milk 60% formula until month 14 per ped. instruction due to the allergies and preemie status. My chiropractor and a few people I know are anti-milk because it supposedly turns to sugar in our bodies and can cause a lot of disorders.
  6. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. Jess, mine would drink Vanilla Silk and be bouncing off the walls! I do give them vit. D. I'm not a milk drinker myself and while I'm not exclusively non-dairy I do not see any need for it in our diet after the age of three. I just got a little nervous this week as they completely boycotted. I do count on it for calories, but I can't heat it anymore. It's just not ok...little diva's! :)
  7. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    What's wrong with heating milk? I drank warm milk until I was well into grade school! And, I heated Nadia's milk for years. I used to swear by the warm-milk-before-bed-makes-you-sleep-well theory, as she's always been a stellar sleeper.

    Kevan & Karina don't like cold milk either -- in fact, they've boycotted plain milk altogether, warm or no. So, they get two smoothies a day, with milk, yogurt, frozen fruit, probiotics, vitamin C powder, sometimes a scoop of whey protein. (And, I still heat it to take the chill off the frozen fruit.)
  8. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    the inly way my kids drink milk is in cereal or with chocolate in it. I won't give them chocolate milk regularly (too much sugar outweighs the benefit of the milk IMO) so they only get it in cereal in the morning.
  9. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    My boys will only drink beverages ice cold, period - doesn't matter what it is, so I can't really relate with that part of your situation. However, they don't drink dairy due to allergies but they love Vanilla Rice Milk with olive oil in it (sounds gross but they love it). Our friend's daughter calls it "ice cream milk." I am sure it's not the healthiest in the world thanks to the sugars, but it can't be THAT bad, either. It has lots of added vitamins, and Calcium. They also love Vanilla Almond Milk. However, if you're going to go to the trouble & expense to get these types of milk, it almost might be easier to just warm up some dairy milk. :lol:

    We also give our boys the "Yummi Bears" gummy Vitamin D supplement, as consistently as possible.
  10. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    What about mixing vanilla carnation instant breakfast in??? We did that for calories too and they would take the "regular milk" then.
    BTW we only do 1 cup of vanilla soy a day for breakfast :) I hear you about the energy :) Definitely no before bed milk for us!
  11. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Jun 17 2009, 12:10 AM) [snapback]1357599[/snapback]
    What about mixing vanilla carnation instant breakfast in??? We did that for calories too and they would take the "regular milk" then.
    BTW we only do 1 cup of vanilla soy a day for breakfast :) I hear you about the energy :) Definitely no before bed milk for us!

    That's a good idea. I'll have to find something sugar free with no other manufactured sugar in it. I'm a bit nutty (read: I have issues ) about our diets in this whole as I can get it is a must so powders are usually a no-go, BUT, I think I remember a spirulina type powder with agave nectar... I think I'll try that.

    ETA: Erin, I love Vanilla Rice milk! So yummy!
  12. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Jun 17 2009, 02:10 AM) [snapback]1357599[/snapback]
    What about mixing vanilla carnation instant breakfast in??? We did that for calories too and they would take the "regular milk" then.
    BTW we only do 1 cup of vanilla soy a day for breakfast :) I hear you about the energy :) Definitely no before bed milk for us!

    This is a great idea! Mine drink soy milk right now as whole milk was really giving them tummy issues. However, the soy is doing the same. We're having a rough transition from all BM to milk and it's killing me and my washing machine. I'm getting ready to cut milk although if their tummy issues don't resolve!
  13. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    FWIW, I don't drink milk and according to my mom I never did. I think it is disgusting. I am 5'9" tall and strong. Just make sure they get calcium and vitamin D (sunlight is the best source!)...
  14. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    My two are both on soy milk. One of them has a dairy allergy. They can't get enough of it. I don't know if they like it better than regular milk or not, since they never had regular milk. You could try it.
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