anybody else's kid have a weird virus?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Last Tuesday night, one of my girls threw up in the middle of the night. She seemed lethargic, clammy (though not feverish) and no appetite so we kept her home on Wednesday. She slept all day and didn't eat.

    That night when her sister came home, she seemed better and was back to her old self. She threw up again in the middle of the night, but by the next morning was fine and went to school. School didn't say anything about her being sick or not being herself that day. That night again, she threw up, but seemed fine as soon as she was done and wanted to go to school on Friday. She was fine all weekend.

    Her sister had an episode Sunday night of throwing up, but was fine Monday morning and went to school. Her sister is fine again today.

    Last night she threw up like 3 times in the middle of the night, so DH wanted to keep her home from school. No fever, not clammy, and she's been her normal self all day today. She's taken an extra nap becuase she was up for so long in the middle of the night, but other than that, she's been fine..

    She's not yet even 2 (21 months) so I know she's not faking it or making herself throw up.....

    What's this all about, and is anybody else's kid going through this right now?? I'm sure it's viral, I've just never seen something where it only affects them in the middle of the night??
  2. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    We had a virus like this a few months ago. My kids got fevers, vomit, etc only at night. They were perfectly healthy in the morning and during the day. Then at night it was a nightmare.

    I was baffled, so I called my Ped's nurses line and she said it was going around. Sometimes just a call to Peds office/nurse can reassure you.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We had one stomach virus when the girls were about a year old where Sarah threw up every night at bedtime for 3 nights in a row. Other than that, she didn't have much of an appetite, but was otherwise fine -- cheerful, decent energy level and everything. She just threw up every night (once or twice) between the hours of about 8 and 10. It was so weird -- and I kept having to keep her home from daycare because they have to go 24 hours without throwing up. But we did have a good time together those 3 days, since she didn't feel sick. :)
  4. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    If it is a virus, there's nothing you can do...

    BUT, this happened to my now 5 year old starting when he was 3.5 years. He would throw up every night for 5-7 days each month, almost like a woman's cycle. We had him to the doctor and went on for more testing...upper GI, cat scan, allergy testing & finally an endoscopy. He ended up having really bad reflux.

    Just to keep in case...
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    The same thing happened to my son several years ago. He would be sick one day--feverish and yukky--then the next fine. A day or two later, same thing. After about a week of off and on sickness we took him to the doctor and his white blood cell count was extremely high, turns out he had a bacterial infection. If her illness continues, it may be best to take her to the doctor.
  6. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    This happened to my DD a couple of months ago too. It actually started when all the kids mustve had a stomach virus b/c 3 of the 4 threw up and 2 of the 4 had diahrrea... but it was like a 24 hr thing.. but DD threw up again the next night in the middle of the night, and then the following week first thing in the morning when she woke up, and again like a week later. The first 2 times I kept her home, but the last time I figured it wasnt viral so I took her to preschool.
    I called the nurse line at their Pedi and she said it could be nasal drip or reflux. I took it upon myself to get childrens tums (for 2yr and up) and gave her one before bed for a week, and then just every once in a while. She hasnt had any problem since.
    It was really odd though. Reflux makes sense, cause it was always middle of the night when she was laying down, or first thing when she got up from laying down, so it mustve upset her stomach. Oh yea, there was never a fever or any other symptoms. One morning she was actually laughing and playing and dressed ready to go, and was watching me get dressed, and a little came up at first, and then i took her in the bathroom and then more..
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