Anybody else have "little" guys?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by beckman445, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone. We had our 6 mo. checkup on Tuesday, and our guys are still so small and just not gaining much weight at all. To preface this, my hubby is 6'4" and I'm 5'9", so they don't come from small stock :ibiggrin: . And my oldest son weighed more than they do now when he was 1 month old.

    Anyway, they were a month early and 4.14 and 6.9, now at 6 mo. they are 10.4 and 11.8 respectively. Their lengths are 25 and 26. They are in the less than 3% category for weight and the pedi. is reaching the concerned point (I've already been there for a while). They are exclusively BF and are on solids. They love their solids, so he wants us to feed them 3 times a day and let them eat until they don't want anymore - which is fine with them!!!

    Does/did anyone else have little ones? And if so, did it turn out to be an issue, or did they just end up being on the small side? I'm completely fine if they're just little guys!!, but of course, am a bit concerned that there's an underlying issue. And of course, I'm so tired of hearing "but they're so small for 6 months." :headbang:


  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Did your pediatrician say anything about them being on the small side? Are they following their own growth curve? That's what my pediatrician goes by. At 6 months my DS was 26.5 inches and 15 lbs 12 oz and DD was 26 inches and 14 lbs 12 oz. They have always been on the small side, coming in about 50% for height and 5% for weight. DH and I are also shorties, not sure if that has anything to do with it.
    You can always check with your pediatrician if you are concerned.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have really small girls, and I'm 5'8 with no shoes on. I was always the tallest in my class, so I never thought I'd have small kids and I was really worried about it the first year! My girls were born at 36 weeks and were 6.2 and 5.13 at birth. Between 6 months and 12 months one of my girls only gained 3 pounds. They wound up being 16 and 18 pounds at 12 months old. (Or maybe it was 14 pounds and 16 pounds, I really can't recall!)

    They've never been big eaters. The most I ever got them to take at one time was 6 ounces and they really didn't like baby food. It was a struggle to feed them. If my smaller child didn't gain much between 12 and 15 months the pedi was going to run tests, but then she had a big gain once we got off baby food. Baby food doesn't have many calories, so if your goal is weight gain you should probably focus on more BM than solids. But since your pedi recommended more solids maybe you could try both?

    My MIL and my mother are both very petite so I'm thinking the girls are going to take after them and have a smaller frame.
  4. cec02c

    cec02c Well-Known Member

    As pp's have said, remaining on their own growth curves seems to be the main thing. Mine are small, but they are on track with thier own growth curves, so our pedi isn't concerned. We were also told to increase solids at our nine mo. check-up, but that is a struggle with my DS; he just isn't much for new textures.
  5. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    Wow--this has been a concern for us from the beginning. HEre is our story. My DSs were 3 months early. The smaller one is doing great--just turned one, and weighs around 19 lbs. The other is only around 16-161/2 lbs. BUT he is doing great otherwise. He is ahead of his brother--he is cruising and walking with a push walker (well kind of) and he is only9 montha adjusted. He's barely on the adjusted chart--like 1%!!

    He suffered from reflux early and has never really overcome his aversion issues . I have cried many tears, but am coming to accept that he is doing fine and will just be small. So--from what we can see, it hasn't affected him developmentally at all.

    We have a GI also. Our GI said if he is not gaining at all and also wasn't meeting milestones, then he would look at feeding tube and be more concerned. Our DS is gaining, just not a lot. The GI also said that you can just tell when a baby is "failing to thrive." If you are really concerned,you could ask to see a GI--think they can help ease your worries b/c they look in detail at weight gain--ounces per day, etc. So, in other words, think if your boys are meeting milestones, i'm sure they are fine.

    I am also tired of hearing constant "he is very small for his age!"

    By the way, GI gave us great tips on how to up their calorie intake--adding heavy cream, olive oil, etc to everything he eats! He said he should never just eat anything straight from the bottle, we should "boost" everything.

    Good luck!!
  6. skybluepink02

    skybluepink02 Well-Known Member

    You're guys were pretty small to begin with. My pediatrician told me they look for babies to double their weight by around 5 months. It seems like they've done that. They're growing appropriately, it sounds like. You might look at taking them to a nutritionist or gastrointerologist. They specialize in these kinds of things and can tell you if it's truly something to worry about, or if they're ok.
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    If you click on the FY handbook, there is a link for a growth chart calculator. It lets you take into consideration the fact that your babies are a month early. I would put in their height/weight for 5 months and see where they fall on the chart. I have one humungo and 1 small baby. My smaller one is 50 for height, 5% for weight and not on the chart for head. However, his pedi is not concerned because he is following his own growth curve. My friend had a tiny son (>5% all around) and at 5,he is not in the 50th percentile for everything.
  8. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I know it is a huge stressor, try not to get too fixated on it.
    Mine were 38 weekers and 5.3 and 5.13 at birth.
    They each stayed on their 3% curve for the most part though my daughter started to fall off at around 9 months, it took her past 20 months to get to 20 pounds. My pedi was always a little concerned and was about to start the failure to thrive testing - luckily she also sees my son't kid who are so thin so she chalked it up to genetics I am 5.7 and my DH 6.3) jsut make little babies.

    My DD has gained a bit so it back on the 3-5% curve but my DS is dropping down below the 3%- he eats soooo much and loves a good, healthy variety of foods, go figure.

    I also EBF and started solids around 6-7 months. They have always been on target for milestones so I just try not to worry and have found these to keep their pants up!
  9. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    This has been a concern for me but my girls are so alert and happy so I guess I use that as my guide. I would just keep an eye on behavior, but not just weight. It is hard not to I know. My girls were born at 38 weeks on schedule and weighed 5.0 and 5.2. They told us they estimated them between 6-7 lbs so it was a little shocking. They were 14.2 and 15.4 at their 9 mos but about 29 in. My pedi has only ever cared about their personal curves. The tinier one has begun to fall off the curve but we started formula at 10 mos...until then we were BF only. She just has no time for eating...I have to really work with her all day. But she will take a bottle at least, and now is really looking like she is putting on the weight. She has always been very very active. Still, always a concern, right? Especially when you have friends with these huge babies. One thing doctors never ask is what kind of babies the parents were. I weighed 17 lbs at 1 year (and believe me, you would never know it now) and my mom always says they look just like I did when I was a baby...people do double-takes when they see them walking because they look too little. Tiny babies run in our family. I agree with PP who said you might want to consult a nutritionist just to get a more expert opinion...may help ease your mind. I know I will be anxious to see how we will weigh at our 1 year - I am really hoping for 17 and 18 lbs!

    Oh, and I just wanted to empathize with your frustration on the comments...I have to hear how tiny my babies are all the time...sometimes it makes me defensive like they think I am not feeding them or something. I am sure they are not accusatory...I am just so tired of hearing it. :wacko:
  10. MaKettle

    MaKettle Well-Known Member

    I had little guys. They were preemies...and they had a slow start.

    Now at nine months (seven months corrected age) they are wearing 12 month size clothing. They're huge and my back is killing me....

    There's always something to worry about. This mothering of twins is hard work.

    And my boys are so developmentally different.....I have to tell myself that each one has their own schedule and their own plan...and not to mess with it.

  11. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    I have little guys - both 18lb 5oz (5th percentile) at 12mos. Neither boy has ever been out of the 5th percentile. Pedi isn't concerned as they have always been in the same growth curve. Its get old hearing 'they're are so tiny/skinny' cause my baby was 28lbs at 6mos yada yada!! ^_^ I just think of all the money we save since the boys get to wear their clothes for so much longer.
  12. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Another momma who is fine with her little babies here! I think in this society we get so used to the "sumo babies" with rolls everywhere who are up 2 sizes in their clothing, etc. My two are almost 8 months old and DS is only about 14 1/2...he was 5 lb 6 oz when born. DD is a little bigger, maybe about 16 lbs. They look bigger because they are long (at 6 mo they were already 27 and 28 inches) but DS is JUST growing out of 3 month clothes and still can't keep his pants up. He just has a really small frame. I think he was less than 3rd percentile for weight and 75th for length...and DD is 25th for weight but 95th for length, so their proportions are still both in the 5th percentile.

    The funny thing is that my shrimpy one is the one who is developing faster, crawling all over, sitting up; and the bigger one has always been about a month behind him.

    As other pp stated, don't stress about the size...eventually they will catch up if they are meant to...and look at it as being efficient and making each size of clothing last longer before they outgrow it :)
  13. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    isn't it strange to have babies that don't fit what we think they should be? especially with you guy being tall... they'll probably sprout up later...

    anyway, good for you to bf'ing, I know that breastmilk (and formula) are more nutritious than solids, so I wouldn't be in a hurry to rush putting solids in them... but if you do give them more solids maybe try to focus on higher calorie solids - like avocados that might be something to help them, and maybe full fat yogurt when that's age appropriate.

    you might also try a nursing marathon where you bf them all the time for a few days to help increase your supply... then they'd be getting more breastmilk... which is more nutritious than most solids.

    I also wanted to forewarn you in case this happens to you... mine really slowed down from 6 mo to 15 months on their growth chart... there are breastfeeding growth curves on kellymom and it shows that bf babies tend to gain more in the first 6 months then slow down... if yours are already small, don't be scared if they slow down on their curve through the 1st year. Neither of mine were 20 pounds at 12 months. my ds finally the 20 pound mark at 16 months and my dd at 18 months.

    keep up the good work!
  14. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    This issue hits close to home as it was the case I delt with my DD and now my two boys. They were 4lbs11oz and 5lbs even at birth and at 5 months were 9lbs9oz and 9lbs5oz! Urg, so frustrating. Talk about being sick of the "so small" comments when people out there still have newborn babies bigger than my almost 6 month olds! They were born 1 day shy of 36 weeks, so early, but not *that* early. I combo feed them and really could have EBF but felt so insecure all the time about weight gain I have chosen to increase the # of bottles of formula so it feels like I am always feeding them, either by breast or bottle all day long. Yet there is the mystery, developmentally they are right on track! My DD was in the 3-5th percentile throughout her 1st year and then at her 2nd year birthday had lept up to the 50% so I do think there is a genetic component, but it does drive me batty. I just want to see these guys sprout. Honestly I would be thrilled if they were in the 1 percentile range, just anywhere on that chart!! Urgh....I relate whole heartedly to your frustrations mama.
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