Any tricks for getting YOURSELF back to sleep?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ahmerl, Oct 19, 2007.

  1. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    We have been fairly lucky around here (fingers crossed) recently and have been sleeping until 4:30 or 5am. This is a GREAT stretch! Once they both even slept through until 6:45 and then it was up and start the day but usually it is up at 5 or so and then back down until DD wakes DS (who naps for about 5-6hrs. during the day and sleeps from 7:30-7:30 easy with one brief wake up, lazy, like his dad :))
    up with her constant playing and chatter.

    ANYWAY, I have the hardest time going back to sleep once I am up. I don't really even have that much on my mind and although I am getting a great 10:30-4:30 stretch I would love to know if anyone has any tricks regarding getting yourself back to sleep. I don't mind being up with them at all but they are (thankfully, and fingers crossed again) pretty good about going right back down after a quick diaper change and small bottle and I am left laying there. The other morning I just lay there from 4:30 until they woke at 6:45. It is like I lay there waiting for them to wake up.

    Any tricks you want to share...counting sheep, etc..

    Not complaining at all....just thought maybe I would post about how to help mom and dad sleep instead of the babies for once!

  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Ugh!! This is the worst, isnt it. I remember when my boys finally started sleeping that nice stretch and would wake at like 4a and go back down I would just lay there too. I used to do math in my head or pick a place that I used to live and try and drive by car in my head...its like Mapquest only I am doing the driving directions :huh: . I know strange....but it worked.
  3. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    If I can successfully shut out all intruding thoughts and go through the words of a long song: think "American Pie" or something else with lots of words that you know, I can go back to sleep. That's what works for me.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    You might laugh at me. I count back from 100 or I pray. Either one puts me right back to sleep. :D
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I tell myself, "OK, I'll just lie down for 15 minutes, and if I don't fall asleep, then I'll get up." Most times, it works. Taking away the pressure to fall asleep helps a lot. And if I can't fall asleep, then I get up and do something fun, like have coffee and read.
  6. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Oct 19 2007, 02:58 PM) [snapback]457862[/snapback]
    You might laugh at me. I count back from 100 or I pray. Either one puts me right back to sleep. :D

    Not laughing at all - praying used to work for me but for some reason it does not put me back to sleep lately. I think that is sooooo funny because I was going to say that is what I used to do in my original post!!!!

  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    It is definitely hard! One thing that helped for me was to sleep on the couch, at least during that last period of the night when I was half-awake anyway. DH's moving around and snoring really bothers me. If I was on the couch, I could feel like I was sort of dozing off by accident, rather than Trying to Sleep.

    I also try a relaxation technique from a CD my therapist recommended. The CD is called "Letting Go of Stress," and I recommend it, but the technique is really simple -- just completely relax your entire body (check all your muscles to make sure you're not tensing anything) and then watch your breathing. Don't breathe on purpose -- just let each breath happen whenever it wants to, and observe it. After a few minutes of this, you can consciously start breathing more deeply -- but still let each breath start whenever it wants to, just prolong it a little by opening up your diaphragm.

    This usually relaxes me enough that I can fall asleep -- but it still works better if I think "I'm just relaxing -- I don't care if I actually fall asleep or not." ;)
  8. heartofdixiemama

    heartofdixiemama Well-Known Member

    I give myself an ultimatum....either you go to sleep or you get up and fold laundry! ha!
  9. BounceTigger

    BounceTigger Well-Known Member

    I'm not up with babies, but I do have trouble going to sleep and going back to sleep once I wake up. One tip I actually read on TS awhile back was this trick I use all the time now and it really works.
    Pick a "category" and then go through the alphabet naming things that fit into that category. For instance, foods:
    A - Apple
    B- Broccolli
    C- Candy
    D - Doughnuts

    Other categories I use: Places (towns/countries etc), Songs, Baby names (LOL) etc

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