Any tips for getting them to drink more from sippy cup?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by summerfun, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi. My twins will be one shortly and I am desperately trying to get them to drink from a sippy cups so we can get rid of the bottles. We have dropped the lunch bottle, I started to give it after lunch and they didn't want it so I stopped offering it. I do offer the sippy cup at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But they only take a few sips from it. We are using the gerber soft spout right now. I tried the Nuby ones and couldn't get them to stop leaking for some reason when it was tipped up and the cap was on tight. They did seem to like the Nuby ones since they were close to the bottle. I have tried the gerber soft spout, but those dripped too. I want to be sure they are drinking well from the cup when we start milk soon. Any tips that helped yours drink from a sippy cup?

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi. My twins will be one shortly and I am desperately trying to get them to drink from a sippy cups so we can get rid of the bottles. We have dropped the lunch bottle, I started to give it after lunch and they didn't want it so I stopped offering it. I do offer the sippy cup at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But they only take a few sips from it. We are using the gerber soft spout right now. I tried the Nuby ones and couldn't get them to stop leaking for some reason when it was tipped up and the cap was on tight. They did seem to like the Nuby ones since they were close to the bottle. I have tried the gerber soft spout, but those dripped too. I want to be sure they are drinking well from the cup when we start milk soon. Any tips that helped yours drink from a sippy cup?

  3. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Mine aren't real big drinkers- just be consistent. If you go to find and search for sippy cup- there are tons of ideas that others have posted. From trying straw cups (which our speech therapist said that is a skill later on that they learn) to trying a little bit of ovaltine or carnation instant breakfast, etc., in their milk.
  4. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    You know when we started the sippy Maddie pretty much took right up with it, but Gracie wouldn't have anything to do with drinking from it, just chewing on it. I tried Nuby, Gerber, and the regular old ones like I used as a baby, and finally she just started drinking out of any and all of them. Of course the older type spill, but maybe you could try those to see if they would work. I would just keep offering them the sippies and eventually they will probably just start using them.
  5. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    I kept offering them to them at every meal. We started with the Gerber cups that have straws that go all the way to the bottom of the cup (since they're not good at tipping things up yet). Alex would chew, and then sucked one day and from that point on he's been using them. Nikki took much longer, since she saw the cup as a toy (would chew and throw it). I persisted at every meal, and one day she sucked on it and realized there was milk inside. She uses sippies now too :)

    So, offer at every meal. I tried a variety of cups for a while, but settled on the Gerber ones since it fit my kids way of doing things better. They will learn it when they are ready, which may be a little bit after they turn one. Don't lose hope!
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    It has been a very gradual improvement for us. I never messed around with different types of cups because I just wanted them to use the ones they have at daycare (the super-basic First Years disposable ones). They started using them at daycare around 10 months, and we've been gradually giving up bottles at home since 12 months, but just recently they've started to drink several ounces from the sippy. I think it just takes a lot of practice.

    Also, giving up some bottles probably has to come first -- they won't drink more from the sippy as long as they're still getting all that liquid from the bottle. You don't need to make both transitions at once (bottle to sippy, and formula to milk) -- you might stress about it less if you switch to milk first, then gradually give up the bottles. That's what we did, anyway. Good luck!
  7. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    I always had 2 sippy cups with fresh water standing around where they played. Often I would put it right between their legs. [​IMG]

    Since it was always there they finally started to sip away. Good Luck!
  8. greengirls

    greengirls Well-Known Member

    We loved using the straws here! What finally worked for us was using the small juice boxes and starting the liquid up the straw by squeezing the box and before too long they were doing it alone. We also bought some of the food-grade tubing from home depot because it is so easy to bring the liquid up with.. I think we have the first years cups (disposable) with lids.
    Good luck
  9. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    We had no success with the spout type cups. I LOVE the ones with the straw. They are a bit of a pain to clean but they were worth every penny! Now that our kids a a bit older they use plain cups with straw lids. It has become so easy.

    Also, my aunt is a speech pathologist and she said that drinking from straws helps to develop their muscles in the jaw and it helps when they learn to talk.

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