Any Suggestions to Relieve a Horrible Cold....

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jillianstwins, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Well I made through my entire 34 week pregnancy without catching so much as a sniffle. Even my asthma has not flared up once.

    And here I am, down with a chest cold and stuffed up nose. I was so hoping I would make it through this pregnancy without getting sick! Woe is me! :(

    How dangerous is it if I do go into labor after 34 weeks and to have my c-section???? I know once I hit my 34 week mark on Monday and I go into labor my ob wont try and stop it with tocolytics and I was told they would do my c-section.

    Doing the fluid intake, hot tea, lots of water, lots of lying down.....I want my NYQUIL!!!

  2. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Hey Jillian!!
    I have a cold too & am feeling MISERABLE! Can't breath, throat hurts...boooooooooooooooooo.
    Nyquil sounds like a dream. For now I am just drinking fluids, have the humidifier on full blast & laying down (but nothing seems to be comfortable because of this big belllllly).
    My c-section is in 20 days & that seems like forever from now, especially when I feel sick & tired ~ You hang in there & so will I! :)
    Just wanted you to know you aren't alone - misery loves company!!
  3. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    i took tylenol cold, which the dr told me was ok as long as i didnt take it for more than 3 days as well as vicks because its an external type medicine, they also have these things for the shower cant think of what they are called but they melt and smell like vicks they cleared my head up for a couple hrs as well. i know the 34wk mark is a good mark considering some moms go at 28, 29wks. babies may need some nicu time but not long as well as maybe they will give u a steroid shot or 2, and those babies could go home in a week or so. try to keep them in there baking and i hope u feel better soon :hug99:
  4. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    hope you feel better soon, i was recently very sick and i just tried to rest as much as possible, ALWAYS blow out (and not sniffle), i used the kids vapouriser to help clear my head and always sucked a throat lozenger to help clear my nasal passages right b4 bed.

    and i ate LOTS of veges to try and chock my self full of vitamins!
  5. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    Robitussin with no letters after it. Oh how it made me feel better when I had a cold while I was pregnant. I suffered for weeks before I broke down and took it. Once I did I felt way way way better!
  6. prairiemom3

    prairiemom3 Well-Known Member

    I had a bad cold when I was preggers and I used a saline nasal spray which really helped. I hope you feel better soon, I remember how hard it was at that time. :hug99:
  7. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Hope you feel better soon.

  8. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    It may just be pregnancy rhinitis (sp?) which is really common in the third tri. Your mucous membranes swell and produce more mucous. As in the hoo-ha, so in the nose. ;) I've been dealing with it for about a week now--last night we went out for thai food and I ate it spicy as can be and could actually breathe for a few hours, ah heaven!

    If your mucous is clear and not green/yellow, you're probably not actually sick. Regardless, I hope you feel better soon!!!
  9. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Nope, definitely not pregnancy rhinitis. I am miserable on top of being pregnant-miserable here at the end.

    I have a horrible chest cold and absolutely no voice, cough all night long and am wheezing pretty badly. Broke down and called my ob, he said to use my albuterol inhaler......I have exercised induced asthma that is treated with a preventative inhaler at night and I use the albuterol just before running and as needed when seasonal wheezing flares up.

    I have not had any asthma symptoms this whole pregnancy and I havent so much as taken a Tylenol. I hate to have to use the inhaler! Even though they "say" it is safe...brought that point up to my ob and he said all the Terbutaline shots I have had is an asthma drug and a lot stronger than the albuterol inhaler I have.

    Sorry to be such a downer.......but this SUCKS (boo hoo) Just needed to vent! Hoping this stays viral and doesnt go into bronchitis.

    okay, me and my bad attitude are going to go to bed now! Thanks for the nice posts guys, it is just nice to know that you guys fully understand :) xojillian
  10. nettiemom

    nettiemom Active Member

    We do cool mist vaporizers for chest colds with Vicks on the chest and throat. We also double dose on Vit C! A fresh homemade chicken noodle soup with garlic and pepper works WONDERS here for colds. I don't know if your familiar with acidophilus but we use that a lot as well. It is the good bacteria that your body needs each day but we take larger doses. Infections are bad bacteria overtaking the good. We try to override the bad with the good to avoid the infections all together. We've healed many a sinus infection this way and avoided further complications from colds as well. I'm so not a Dr. person but will go if we can't get something taken care of at home.

    I hope your feeling better soon!
  11. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    I've been sick this past week also. Some things I've tried, that have given minimal relief are Vicks Vapor Rub, Long hot showers, Peppermint tea, throat lozenges, humidifier, lots of rest. I also took Sudafed for 2 nights, but I think it kept me up, so I quit taking it. Hope you feel better soon.
  12. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I had two colds in a row when I was in my first trimester. My allergist gave me Prednisone because I was having trouble with my breathing and I increased my daily inhaler use for a couple of weeks, he also gave me an antibiotic. This seemed to work well. I have asthma and have had to use my emergency inhaler several times along with my regular inhaler. They say it is safer to use the inhaler and be able to breath than to deprive yourself and the babies of oxygen because you can't breath. I have been starting to feel like a cold is starting over the last few days, and am hoping it will go away. My DD came over and she had a sore throat so now I have a sore throat, green nose and headaches. Wonderful. Hang in there and take care of yourself, this is not a time to be stubborn (from one very stubborn person to you). ;)
  13. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    Zycam is a preggo and nursing safe treatment! Send that man out for some!
  14. lhodnett73

    lhodnett73 Well-Known Member

    I use AYR nasal Sinus Rinse ( Not the Spray) It really helps the mucous get out and a vicks personal steamer... they are lifeasvers!!

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