Any suggestions on getting a 7 month old to eat baby foods?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by monie rose, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    My son Lennox refuses to eat baby foods. He used to eat rice cereal fine, but since I switched to oatmeal he makes himself gag up his food or he'll keep his mouth open until it runs out. He does this to everything: Apple sauce; bananas; sweet potatoes; carrots; peas; everything!

    Any help would be great! TIA!
  2. Miss Conception

    Miss Conception Well-Known Member

    Maybe he doesn't like the consistency. Have you tried feeding him some non-baby food? Little finger lengths of toast with hummus or with puree on it? Baby food is gross and I can't even believe that my two will eat it when I give it to them. I've been baby-led weaning them and they enjoy it much more than the baby food.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to suggest trying some finger foods as well. Annabella was a real pain to feed baby food to as well. She would take maybe two bites, then clamp her mouth shut. At nine months I finally started finger foods with her and it's been a whole lot easier! I would maybe try some gerber puffs, cheerios, some toast, etc.

    Good luck!
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I tried oatmeal cereal & mine hated it, too. We did it for 2 days & switched up the consistency on day 2. I went out & bought another box of rice cereal. They used to eat carrots just fine but my 1 son won't anymore. Luckily they still like pears, bananas & sweet potatoes! I'm sorry I have no advice, but you aren't alone with the oats.

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