Any such thing as too young to potty train?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ldrane, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    My twins will be 2 in a month. My DD shows some interest of potty training. Mainly when I am going potty, she wants to sit in there with me. So, a couple of months ago I bought her a potty chair and I will sit her on it on occassion (nothing consistent yet) and she has gone both poo-poo and pee-pee in it on numerous occassions. I have noticed that she sometimes wakes up dry from her nap and every now and then dry in the morning (but it is sporadic).

    Do you think someone who is not even 2 yet can be potty trained? Should I get more consistent with it and really start trying or is she too young and it my turn her off to the idea completely? Any good potty training books that you recommend? I have never done this before so other than taking them in and sitting them on the potty, I am clueless. I have read somewhere that you shouldn't put them in go straight to underwear. I am not sure if they even make underwear (panties) small enough to fit her. She still wears 12 month clothes. Any suggestions??

    It would be so nice to get one trained early so I don't have to worry about training 2 at once. Something tells me that my DS is going to be a potty training challenge!
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine both trained relatively late, so I'm perhaps not the best person to respond, but FWIW -- I'm a big believer in waiting until the kids are really ready. This means not just that they know how to use the potty, but that they know what it feels like to have to pee/poop and how to hold it until they get to the potty. Most importantly, they have to care enough to want to keep their underwear clean. If you're constantly taking them to the potty, having battles about whether they go or not, and worrying about accidents, it just makes your life harder than if they were still in diapers (IMO).

    Both of mine started showing interest in the potty (and using it occasionally) when they were around 20 months, and there was even a period right around 24 months when Sarah pooped in the potty a few days in a row. But I didn't want it to turn into a struggle. I would remind/encourage them to use the potty, but if they chose not to, I didn't force it. And I didn't move them into underwear until they declared they wanted to.

    They finally trained when they were about 3 -- Amy a few months before, and Sarah a few months after. Once they were ready to make the leap, we had very few problems.

    However, I know there are many women on this board who have successfully trained children (girls, at least) between 2 and 2.5, so if you really want to try it, hopefully they can give you some suggestions.
  3. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    My DD was completely potty trained at 22 months. She wore pull ups at night till she was nearly three, and after that would wake up and go to the potty if she needed to, but as far as day time goes, she rarely had accidents. Usually at some one else's house where she didn't feel comfortable going to the potty on her own. Around the house she would go by herself unassisted by me. (the "kando" products are great for this) Your DD definitely sound ready; I would go for it! Good luck!
  4. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    We started PTing around 20 months and were both day and night trained shortly after their 2nd birthday.

    If you think she is ready go for it. The money you save on diapers is wonderful!
  5. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    I have two teenagers (17 & 18) they were both completely potty trained by 20 months old! I am starting PT'ing with the boys next week! I can't wait to not have diapers in the house!!

    Yes it can be done!

  6. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm amazed by these early potty trainers. I tend to agree with Minette and think it's better to wait until later rather than start earlier. Mostly because it'll be easier on you if you potty train them when they are older. I waited till my kids were 3 years old and it took 3 days to completely potty & night, pee and poo, the whole thing. I didn't have to go to the bathroom with them at all after that or "remind them" that it's time to go. They stopped having any accidents after 10 days. I borrowed some tricks from the book, "Toilet Train Your Child in Less Than a Day." I knew it would be too frustrating for me to go through a prolonged process of cleaning up after their pee and poo for months, so I just chose to wait until they were really ready and then did it quickly.
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Our doctor talked about PTing at my boys' 2-yr WBV this week. She said that all physically/neurologically healthy kids are physically ready by age 2 but that they might not be emotionally/behaviorally ready. I think I have one kid who could do it, and one who is no where near, behaviorally. I say it's worth giving it a shot! :)
  8. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BRMommy @ Jun 26 2009, 12:08 AM) [snapback]1369488[/snapback]
    it'll be easier on you if you potty train them when they are older.

    :nea: Not true!
    Every one of my kids were potty trained before 2. My oldest was potty trained when I had a 3 week old baby. She never had even one accident...a total breeze (she was 20 months). Each of the others took different strategies, but all relatively easy. I have one that was more difficult, but he's my "child I've never had before" anyway. Love him to death, but he's the one who'll give me gray hairs.

    So, if you want to do it, do it. I think it's mostly up to the parent when potty training takes place. I get frustrated when people encourage parents to wait, let anybody try who wants to. Try it. If it's not going well, give it a break for a month or two. You won't hurt them. I did that with dd#2. I started her around 20 months, took a break for a month, she got it immediately at 21 months. what you want. My baby was potty trained at 19 months easily as well, but his twin wasn't until 22 months.
  9. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I had pretty early pottytrainers too. My dd was day and night trained at 2. My step son was actually poo poo trained at one and pee trained before two.
  10. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I'm planning to wait myself, but I have IRL friends who've done it early (shortly before or after 2) with no problems.
  11. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the responses! I guess I need to get a potty training book and learn how to do this. Thanks BRMOMMY for the book recommendation.

    Like I said, I think my DD is showing signs of being ready. I know that DS is not interested whatsoever and I will wait awhile to train him. Maybe if I can get DD trained early, it will ready him faster.

    Twinboys07- That is good info. to know about them being physcially ready at around 2, but not necessarily mentally ready. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    All three of my kids were over 3 before they were completely potty trained, but my best friend's twins and her girl were all trained by 2 years old. So, it can be done, it just depends on if the kid is ready or not. It's definitely worth a shot to see if it will work, and if it doesn't, then try again later.
  13. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BRMommy @ Jun 26 2009, 01:08 AM) [snapback]1369488[/snapback]
    Wow, I'm amazed by these early potty trainers. I tend to agree with Minette and think it's better to wait until later rather than start earlier. Mostly because it'll be easier on you if you potty train them when they are older. I waited till my kids were 3 years old and it took 3 days to completely potty & night, pee and poo, the whole thing. I didn't have to go to the bathroom with them at all after that or "remind them" that it's time to go. They stopped having any accidents after 10 days. I borrowed some tricks from the book, "Toilet Train Your Child in Less Than a Day." I knew it would be too frustrating for me to go through a prolonged process of cleaning up after their pee and poo for months, so I just chose to wait until they were really ready and then did it quickly.

    I used this book. Even if you don't do every thing the book says to do, it has a lot of good tips.
  14. debbeeanne

    debbeeanne Well-Known Member

    I'm from the older generation (my daughters are 28 and 29 years old). The older one was potty trained by 2 1/2, and the younger one was trained right after her second birthday. They both wore diapers at night for a while.

    At that time, I was working and my kids had to be in daycare. To be in the 2 year old class, they had to be 2 years old and potty trained before they would take them. I can't imagine that being the case today. I think waiting to potty train till they are older is something that has happened since then.

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