Any positive stories about Hyperemesis Gravidarium?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Trishandthegirls, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    My Twinstuff little sister is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarium (really severe morning sickness where you can't keep anything -- even water -- down). She has just started some medication so hopefully she'll be feeling better real soon. In the meantime, though, I was wondering if any of you had bad morning sickness or even hyperemesis gravidarium during your pregnancies? If yes, do you have any advice or stories about how quickly it was over that you can share? I'd like to send to her anything that might help her get through this tough time but I don't have any personal experience. I suspect it would not be helpful for me to tell her I didn't have even one second of morning sickness but that I feel her pain. She'd probably try to get on a plane and come kick me in the shin.

  2. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    I've had it for each of my pregnancies, the first two were NOT under control and I was miserable. For my 3rd & 4th pregnancies, I was seeing a different doctor, a peri, who prescribed a combination of daily Pepcid (not AC, just plain Pepcid) and Zofran whenever I needed it. It didn't take it away, but it reduced the actual vomitting quite a bit so my body was able to absorb some nutrients. If it gets severe enough, they can also hydrate & give nutrients via IV, I only had to go in once for this but I know some people need to go in quite a bit. Good luck to your sister, have her mention pepcid & zofran to her doc, remind her that eventually, there is an end - whether it be at 15 weeks or 40 weeks, she won't be throwing up forever.
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I didn't have it myself but I know plenty who did. It is probably the hardest thing in the WORLD to go through as far as I know..

    If it were me, I'd go to the hospital. They can send you home w/ an iv drip of some nutrients and/or an anti emetic (anti nausea).

    She should be on Zofran ALL day long (ready melt under tongue- not pills.) Reglan perhaps... and whatever else she can get her hands on.

    It's terrible to see someone suffer like this. I just saw something on the news not too long ago about a woman who was hospitalized for her entire twin IVF pregnancy and had it SOOOOOO bad that she kind of went nuts and gave her kids up for adoption!!! After she got better and realized who she was and what happened..... she is fighting to get them back!! It's awful what that kind of sickness can do to you!!!

    HUGS to her!!!
  4. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Trishandthegirls @ Feb 22 2008, 10:10 AM) [snapback]635193[/snapback]
    but I don't have any personal experience. I suspect it would not be helpful for me to tell her I didn't have even one second of morning sickness but that I feel her pain. She'd probably try to get on a plane and come kick me in the shin.


    I don't have anything helpful here...I was like you. I had one morning where I got sick and vomitted. That was it. But I chuckled about her kicking you in the're right she would. I hope you can get some good advice to pass along. I can't imagine that it's nice to have that severe a case of morning sickness.
  5. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I had it AWEFUL and have little good to tell, except that it is worth it in the end. In fact, I did it for 3 pregnancies. Get IV's as often as needed at the hospital and if needed get home health to rehydrate by IV's at night. I recommend the Zofran pump.

    Sorry I don't have better news!
  6. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I couldnt keep anything down even water or gatorade, I ended up dehydrated a few times and needed IV.
    I was taking zofran and wearing sea bands/travel bracelets. They put pressure on your wrist to stop the nausea. The combo of the two seemed to help a little.

    Good luck!!
  7. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Hmm, good stories, it does get better, maybe not until delivery however :angry:
    I had it with all my pregnancies, far worse with the twins. I was in the hospital for about 3 weeks during weeks 10-13. I had the IV's, TPN (nutrition through the veins), feeding tubes down my nose into the intestine, zofran, anzemet, zantac, reglan, steriods. I puked up to the day of delivery.

    Babies are exceptional parasites!!! They really do take what they need. Mine were 38w2d and 5 pounds 3 ounces and 5 pounds 13 ounces (so kind of little but not really).

    The best thing is a doctor who is supportive and doesn't minimize the agony. The worst thing - stupid comments people make - just have some saltines, try ginger ale, it is mind over matter

    Does she have other kids? That was the hardest, being a shell of myself and trying to be a good mom.
    She is welcome to PM me any time!
  8. chitownmama

    chitownmama Member

    I had severe nausea with my twins. Almost quit my job, because it was so hard to deal with. It ended, or got remarkably better anyway, at about 16 weeks. I'm allergic to a component in anti-nausea medications, so that was OUT. There's those "sea bands" that help some people. (Not me, but worth a try).

    My best advice, was to eat bland, and filling foods (potatoes, crackers). Soda calmed my stomach a little too. Mnt gum also helped alot! (Ginger made me MORE nauseas).

    Tell her to hang in there. It seems so horrible and unbearable at the time, but chances are that it will get much better by three or four months!
  9. bigeyes

    bigeyes Well-Known Member

    1st prego- didn't go away till delivery (even thru up during it)
    2nd prego-didn't last as long. but had to stay on zofran.
    stay on top of meds dont let any time laps. zantac helpd with heartburn.
    it sucks but eventually goes away.
  10. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I had it very bad until 20 weeks. Zofran helped but that's about it. If it's too bad she really should go to the hospital and get an IV!
  11. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Mine let up at about 16 weeks.
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