Any other babies w/outie belly buttons?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by luv_my_kidz, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. luv_my_kidz

    luv_my_kidz Well-Known Member

    So last week I was changing diapers before a feeding and to my surprise Mattie's belly button was all poked out. I pushed on it and it popped right back out. The next day it was worse.(out more) I thought it was possibly a hernia.

    So, I looked around on the net and it sounds like she has a true outie. From what I read, it's only a hernia if it only comes out during stretching, screaming, crying, etc.
    If it stays out it is an outie.

    Does anyone know anything else about this? Is it still possible that it may go back in?

    Thanks for any info.

  2. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    One of my girls has a belly button that sticks out a little. It looks like it might go in after a while. My DS had a hernia when he was really little and it stuck out all the time, it just got worse when he would stretch, scream, etc. If it is a hernia you would know by pushing in and feeling it, there would be a little hole.
    I think outies are cute, so it wouldn't bother me if DD's stayed out.
    I'm not much help, sorry. That's just what I experienced with my kids.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Sounds like a hernia, if it just showed up. I would mention it to the ped. Most will repair themselves with time. [​IMG]
  4. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    Yep, I think DS is going to be an outie kid. I thought it would go back in when he was tiny, but DH said it would stay out. It's still out. DD is definitely an innie.
  5. lilpinkmonkey

    lilpinkmonkey Member

    My preemie girls had bellybutton hernias until they were about 4-5 months old, they were like little purple balloons on their tummies!
    It scared the crap out of me, I always thought they would get ruptured.

    But the hernias went away themslves, and they have totally normal cute little outie bellybuttons now, at 11 months old.


    ID girls, Ruby & Lily (April 24/06)
    DD Piper (March 9/04)
  6. NYCmom

    NYCmom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a hernia to me too. One DD had one -- hers never went back in either, it just got a little bit bigger when she cried.

    It went away on its own at about 4 months.
  7. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    My Nicholas had an outie for the first month or two that would get really prounounced when he cried. Even though he still cries a fair amount, his belly button is now an innie. So, it might fix itself overtime!
  8. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Both boys had the outtie belly button aka umbilical hernia. Zachs cleared up around 3-4 months. Josh still has his. His ped says it may still go away by 3-4 or he will need surgery. It does not bother him at all. In fact rubbing it is a soothing thing for him. i hope he outgrows that before it goes away/needs surgery. [​IMG]
  9. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    FWIW, my Melissa has an outie/umbilical hernia that still hasn't resolved itself. She'll be three in August.
  10. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Sarah's belly button was horrible looking until she begin to sit up and crawl. Like another person said, it was like a balloon on her belly. It was just crazy. We, too, were very concerned that would require surgery. However, our pedi kept telling us to be patient and see if it went in on its own. It did at around seven months. And now Sarah has the cutest little belly button, which I never thought would happen. Now I know that I will never mix them up because Sarah and Allison have different belly buttons because of the early hernia.
  11. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    my dds both had slight herniated belly buttons and the ped said it can take up to five years to go away. However, my one dd still has an outtie bellie button and my other dds went in. not sure if the outtie will stay that way but i'll ask the ped at their 1 year appt.
  12. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    Eli has a semi outie and Peyton as an outie. I think it's cute! Most people I know have inys and I think it makes my twins different.

    If your wondering Eli's belly button sticks out on tob and smooths out as it gets to the bottom.
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