Any of you MOMs do Music Together with twins?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gottagiggle&twins, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    I am considering joining the Music Together program here, but am a little wary of doing something like that with twins. I get out and about with my beebs a lot and we never have any issues, but this is like the great unknown to me. I would love to hear input if any of you guys have done it before and what ages and how it worked out for you.

  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We did a music class, but I didn't start until my boys were 15-16 months, so they were able to participate a bit independantly.
  3. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    We have not done Music Together, but we have done music classes. It can be done with twins without too much problem, and they really enjoy it! The hard part for me was when the girls started crawling. I had a few classes where all the girls wanted to do was crawl around and bolt to the door, but overall the music classes have been great. They learn how to stay with you and how to participate in the class.
  4. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    This is an interesting topic. I haven't done that yet but I am thinking about it. I need to find out how I would handle the twins since they do go opposite direction. They don't sit very well for patience.

    D, w/Rianna and Justin (18 mos)
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I've considered it, but haven't been brave yet. They hold classes at our community center which is so convenient, but the class itself is on the third floor and the elevator is small. I hate that these are considerations, but I can't take them places if the stroller doesn't fit. Ug. GL if you decide to do it!!!
  6. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We started Kindermusik at 11 months, maybe 10 months. We still go and the babies love it. Its hard to lift, carry and dance with them but we still manage. The teacher is also helpful in assisting me.
  7. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do music together with my girls. We did it the first time when my girls were 14 months old. The teacher that we go to said that they get the benifit of just being in the room with the music. So she lets the kids walk.
    Not sure if this link will work, but here is a scrapbooking layout that i did of my girls at music together.
  8. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    We did Music Together for a couple of years. We started right when the boys were eight months, exactly the age that your twins are. I waited until they were sitting independently so I knew I would be able to sit on the floor with both kids. Whenever the class required the parents to pick up the babies, the teacher would help out by dancing around with one of them. The first session we did was specifically a class for babies. After that, starting around ten months old, DH and I signed up for the mixed ages weekend class with both of them. It was a lot of fun and the music is really lovely.

    I will say that, looking back, the boys didn't really participate in the class until they were about 18 months old. Then, it really became a fun thing to do. It cracked me up that they would be sitting in the car jamming to the music on the CD. They were pretty much bored with the program by the time they turned three. There are nine different music books and we went through most or all of them.

    The music school they go to has a keyboard beginners class for 3-5yo so they have just started that.
  9. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    I started with my twins at 4 months. I am a music teacher and now I teach the classes too. It's been a great experience.
  10. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    This is really such good news for me, to hear of success stories from you guys. I want my kids to have interaction with other children and to be able to do fun things, but I have worried a bit that having two of them might hinder me a lot. I am sure it will be more work, but I hope it is worth it for them to get the experiences. Thanks so much!

    I am taking them to a sample/trial class at The Little Gym next Monday and I am trying to get in on a demo class of Music Together as well. I hope they work out.
  11. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    We just started Kindermusik a few weeks ago, so just short of their 1st birthday. The teacher helps with one twin, while I do the other during activities that requires holding and such. The boys love it though- all the kids just crawl/walk around and check everybody and all the instruments out. I don't know that I'm going to do it another semester though- just because it's awfully expensive, but we'll see...
  12. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    We LOVE Kindermusik, and I'm sure Music Together would be great also. We waited until after their first birthday to start, and DH and I both go (that is my lunch break on Monday) so we can each focus on a boy. But I agree with PPs that you could do it alone. I would check with the teacher just to be sure that yours is the only set of twins in the class, and I'm sure she'll help out when there is a need for one adult per kid. Our class also has walkers and crawlers, and we let them walk and crawl if that's what they want to do. Whenever a kid wanders up to the teacher, she's more than happy to do whatever activity we're doing at the moment with the kid that wandered to her, so I'm sure your teacher can do the same with whichever twin you don't have at the moment.

    ETA: I don't know if Music Together also gives you home materials, but that's another thing we love about Kindermusik. We get (okay, we pay lots of money for) the cd of music that we use in class, a board book, and wall pictures that all correspond to the current class unit. At first I thought the wall hangings were a little cheesy, but OMG the boys love them!! We first had them hanging by the changing table to give them something interesting to look at and hopefully be willing to stay put....but it backfired! They loved them so much that they were constantly standing up on the changing table so they could grab at the wall hangings.
  13. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to add that for Music Together, you get a song book and two copies of the same CD, one for the car and one for your home. You need to pay extra for the materials but you only need to buy one set for both kids. I think the wall posters for Kindermusik sound really cute.
  14. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I have not done Music Together, but we have been involved in some sort of "class" since they were 4 mos. old. In the beginning, I did it for me (to get out of the house, to meet people, etc.). But the older they get, the more they both benefit from it.

    If you look at my avatar, this is the first time we have taken classes separately. Ben is in karate and Hannah is in ballet/tap. Take advantage of the classes now, when you can all do it together. Because one day, you will blink, and they will be interested in their own things!!!
  15. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I do Music Together with all three of mine. Do it. It will be fine and all three of you will enjoy it. The teacher will help some, but both can sit on your lap. Our teacher actually encourages the mothers to be more hands off to the kids - don't show them how to do the instruments or the hand motions, or make them clap to the beat. She says it is better to let them explore and figure it our on their own. Part of the time I dance just one, sometimes I hold them both or my 3 yr old. Other mothers are there with more than one kid, although no other sets of twins. This class is at our community center and it's for kids ages 1-5. I did do a KIndermusik with DD1 that was only a 12 month age range. This is only our second week, but I do like the Music Together more than Kindermusik. The kids benefit from being there and enjoy it even though they are obviously not getting one-on-one from me. Honestly, none of them seem to mind and it hasn't been an issue either week. They also love dancing to it at home & listening to it in the car. I have also done other classes with the twins but it was when DD1 was in preschool Monday or Tuesday. My inspiration was a mom of triplets that was in a class w/DD1. She brought all three of hers by herself. I was impressed but I'm sure she just thought I was one of those annoying gawkers! ;)
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