Any goats milk drinkers?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by deniseandtwins, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    My dh is from Bulgaria & practically grew up on goats milk, cheese etc. He was on me practically from day one to give it to them, but I refused. Now that they're 13 months I slowly switched them to it & they actually love it! (Must be the Bulgarian blood in them as I dislike the taste!)

    They have just under 20oz a day some days less. When they don't eat their yoghurt / cheese they'll want more milk. So it all evens out.

    I just wanted to know if there are others out there giving their kids goats milk?

  2. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i give mine cows milk and so far they are still getting half formula half milk they wont take milk by itself so i did think about trying goats milk. i heard its good for them too
  3. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    We just tried goat's milk yogurt today for the first time. They've been sensitive to dairy in my diet, so I've been very slowly introducing cow's yogurt but it doesn't seem to agree with them. Someone suggested goat's milk might be a good alternative...we need to try it again to make sure!
  4. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Where do you buy goats milk?

    The only time I had goats milk was in the Domincan Republic. They served warm goats milk there for coffee. It was soooo good!
  5. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    We get goat's milk for dd b/c she gets horribly constipated from cow milk. I googled it once, though & there's some amazing advantages to goat milk. I've been able to find it at most stores, but it's expensive. $13.40/gallon!
  6. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    We lived in Bulgaria and I love, love, love sirene and shopska salad. But I'm not into goat milk itself. Here in Ecuador, as in Bulgaria, you can get goat's milk straight from the tap. There is always a vendor with his goats outside the boys' preschool.
  7. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member


    Yes it is very expensive! We get our goat's milk from Fiesta. Usually though we buy our milk from a lady who farms with goats. My MIL usually makes yoghurt from the milk. And it's way cheaper!
  8. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    Our Whole Foods and other organic markets carry it, though it may depend on having a local supplier.
  9. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    We haven't tried it, but I have read that it's much healthier for babies/kiddos than cow's milk -- it's supposed to be closer in composition to breast milk. So, it's great that your little ones love it!

    Hmm, I'm not sure mine would like the taste now, but I wonder if I could mask it in smoothies or something....might try that. I've seen it at Whole Foods, but also at our regular Publix.

    I love goat cheese....never had goat's milk straight up, though. (In India, my relatives drink water buffalo milk, and I *loathe* it....)
  10. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    I never had goats milk until getting married 2 yrs ago!

    Goats milk is HUGE in Bulgaria, they feed their babies watered down goats yoghurt in place of Formula. My MIL wanted me to do the same, but I just couldnt get myself to ever consider it. In my mind it just didnt have enough nutrients & vitamins for my twins when they were still little. But now that they're 13 mths & quite big/tall kids I don't mind it as much.

    Also I'm lactose intolerant, so it'll be better for them to drink goats milk rather than cow's milk.
  11. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Jul 4 2008, 04:41 PM) [snapback]860158[/snapback]
    I love goat cheese....never had goat's milk straight up, though. (In India, my relatives drink water buffalo milk, and I *loathe* it....)

    Mmmmm. Water buffalo milk is AWESOME!! They make a water buffalo yoghurt (some Vermont company) and it's soooo good. Mostly because of the higher fat content. But I think I'm fixated on it (and this thread) because I'm longing for dairy. I soo can't wait until they get over the allergy/intolerance/senstivity!
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